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Yellow post-it notes stuck on a wall planner.
07 Sep 2018

Copywriting and content design

What is content design? Is it just another name for copywriting? Or something totally different? Sarah Richards gives us her answer.

A pink clock on a pink floral patterned wall.
05 Sep 2018

An hourly rate? Really? Are you sure?

Katherine Wildman says a polite but firm, ‘no thanks’ to charging by the hour.

ProCopywriters Blog

A barista pouring coffee into a mug that says "ugh" on it.
27 Aug 2018

The 5 most common B2B writing mistakes

Lorrie Hartshorn on how to avoid the B2B copywriting blunders that crop up time and time again.

A collection of tools hanging up in a workshop.
22 Aug 2018

15 tried and tested free (or dirt cheap) tools for copywriters

Andre Spiteri recommends a heap of apps that can save you time, energy and money.

A hardback book open at a page that says "adventures... and lessons learned."
13 Aug 2018

What I’ve learnt after writing for 20+ years

Six things that Sanina Kaur has learned during two decades of writing.

A hand holding a pencil at the corner of blank sheet of paper.
08 Aug 2018

What to do when you’ve lost your creative mojo

Lauren MacNeish has a few ideas about things you can try when inspiration’s in short supply.

A 'wrong way' road sign.
06 Aug 2018

A no-hoper’s guide to LinkedIn

John Espirian’s unorthodox guide to making the most of LinkedIn.

27 Jul 2018

Dangerous words: how copywriters can avoid getting sued

Sarah Adams of PolicyBee explores some of the legal risks that copywriters can face.

A cruise liner heading towards a tiny rowing boat.
25 Jul 2018

How to get rich on copywriting

Want to earn your living by writing copy? Honor Clement-Hayes explains how it’s done.

The number one in white, with a thin, white circle around it, on a bright red background.
16 Jul 2018

Is One Minute Briefs better than a CV?

Clare Jennings on how to show off your skills without the aid of a portfolio.

Pink post-it with 'why you can't just 'manage' content written on it in black ink.
11 Jul 2018

Why the job title “content manager” is a misnomer

How do you hire the content professional you actually need (instead of the one you think you need)? Irene Triendl has a few ideas.

A winding road with 2 rainbows in the background.
09 Jul 2018

Evaluating the way you work and how you deal with others

Gillian Jones’ suggestions for taking stock of what you do and how you do it.

A white robot holding an Ipad.
04 Jul 2018

How to write like a bloody person

No-nonsense advice from Andy Nattan on banishing jargon and corpspeak from business writing.

The words 'you are what you listen to' in orange neon lettering on a brick wall.
04 Jul 2018

10 song lyrics that are also great copywriting tips

Kate Greenwood on what music can teach us about copywriting.

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