From The Blog

Featured articles

29 Jun 2016

How can copywriters win bigger clients and bigger projects?

Do you want to find more high-profile clients? Are you looking for bigger fish – or bigger budgets?
22 Jun 2016

How I got 600% ROI within weeks of joining PCN

How does PCN membership benefit copywriters? Anna Gunning shares her experiences of finding clients and getting support from PCN.

ProCopywriters Blog

13 Jun 2016

Book review – The Invisible Grail: How brands can tell better stories

Helen Keevy reviews the second installment in John Simmon’s trilogy of business writing books.

Book cover - Dark Angels: How Writing Unleashes Creativity at Work
03 Jun 2016

Book review – Dark angels: How writing releases creativity at work

Anna Gunning reviews John Simmons’ book and discovers how copywriters can remove the shackles that limit our creativity.

02 Jun 2016

Writing for work: why don’t students know that copywriting is a viable career?

Peter Rylands questions why copywriting is unrepresented at university job fairs, and why so many graduates are unaware that copywriting is a viable career.

23 May 2016

What’s it like being a copywriter for an agency?

Rebecca Nicholl gives us a taste of life as a copywriter at an agency…

18 May 2016

Why copywriters must be the customer’s champion

Copywriters have the opportunity to be the customers’ champion, defending them from confusing messaging and empty brand verbiage.
13 May 2016

5 ways to keep bland fluff words out of your copy

Anna Gunning shares some brilliant strategies for dealing with clients who want more empty words and hype in the copy you’ve written…

06 May 2016

10 copywriting apps and tools – as voted by 2 top copywriters

Listen to this episode of the Hot Copy Podcast to hear about 10 apps and tools that can help copywriters do their job.

06 May 2016

How PCN plans to support copywriters like you

An update on PCN and how we plan to help copywriters of all shapes and sizes.

18 Apr 2016

When slogans do what they say on the tin

How many of the slogans we know and love can be taken seriously? Kady Potter picks some of the best-known brand straplines and puts them to the test.

01 Apr 2016

The future of the PCN

New management at PCN means more capacity to support copywriters like you…

31 Mar 2016

A new dawn for PCN

Leif Kendall is taking over the running of PCN.

29 Mar 2016

How can I make time for marketing and developing my freelance business?

Three copywriters offer advice on how to juggle the need to market your own business with your client work.

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