From The Blog

Featured articles

14 May 2013

Help us plan our conference

Tell us what you’d like to see at a PCN conference.

19 Apr 2013

Charismatic letters generate profits

How using the NLP concept of modalities can help you write charismatically.

ProCopywriters Blog

04 Mar 2013

Freelance copywriting as a second career

How I moved from a career with numbers to a new one with words.

Lego diver on the sea bed
11 Dec 2012

Swimming in a sea of research

How much research do you do before you start writing?

Brain out of order
07 Nov 2012

The month I lost my zest for writing…

For the first time in about a month, I’ve regained my enthusiasm for writing. But how do you cope when you lose your zing “” and you haven’t even noticed?

09 Oct 2012

Writing to sell (your writing)

Do you write what the job requires – or what the client prefers?

Content mills - immoral and exploitative?
24 Jul 2012

Are content mills immoral?

Content mills are like supermarkets in which only the manager can make a living wage, but they have the power to be useful social and commercial enterprises “” if they dare to change.

Fragonard - The Swing. Do lies get any more irresistible?
13 Jul 2012

Are You Writing Irresistible Lies?

As copywriters, we’re routinely called upon to lie. How many times do you use ‘I’ or ‘We’ in copy, but really you’re speaking as the client? Part of our job is pretending to be somebody we’re not. But that’s okay.

30 Jun 2012

Just My Type by Simon Garfield

Review of ‘Just My Type: A Book About Fonts’ by Simon Garfield.

26 Jun 2012

Is it wise to specialise?

Should a copywriter be a specialist or a generalist?

Words in a book
26 Jun 2012

Words. Say a lot, don’t they?

Keep your writing natural, but remember that a ‘crude-oil worker’ and a ‘crude oil worker’ mean very different things.

"Fear" by WIlderdom from Flickr
22 Jun 2012

Fear of Freelancing – What’s Stopping You?

Is fear stopping you from going freelance?

Hands of a copywriter
19 Jun 2012

Why we created the PCN

We’re very pleased to launch the Professional Copywriters’ Network – a way for UK copywriters to network, build business and develop professionally.

14 Jun 2012

Writing for your Customer X

Addressing readers as a group, either explicitly or implicitly, can compromise your tone. Write for an individual instead.

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