From The Blog

Featured articles

15 Nov 2022

5 ways your content could be putting off potential clients

Camilla Zajac’s looks at common business content mistakes you need to avoid

09 Nov 2022

The best way to structure content for your landing page

Vera Nesvadbova’s method for creating a landing page that converts visitors into customers

ProCopywriters Blog

08 Nov 2022

3 ways to boost your brand’s tone of voice

Tessa Parry-Wingfield suggestions for simple ways for getting your business’s tone of voice just right

07 Nov 2022

Copywriters Survey 2023: What Should We Ask?

What should we ask copywriters in our next survey? You can add your suggestions in the comments section below. 

02 Nov 2022

It’s good to talk

Leigh James on the power (and benefits) of the spoken word

01 Nov 2022

How to write a manifesto for your business, with examples

What the hell is a business manifesto and how do you create one? Ben McKinney explains

31 Oct 2022

Cultivate: a new series of meetups for copywriters+

Cultivate: friendly, open, casual networking. It’s people in a pub, talking shop, getting to know each other and expanding our horizons.

26 Oct 2022

How to define your tone of voice in 4 simple steps (even if you don’t know where to start)

Take the pain out of pinning down your brand’s tone of voice by following Jenny Wing’s easy-to-follow guide

25 Oct 2022

Want to write a bad email? Start like this

Laura Sands explains why an apology is a terrible way to kick off your emails

19 Oct 2022

The adjective that companies love to use when it comes to copy

Camilla Zajac explores the meaning of one of the words clients’ often use to describe the kind of copy they want

a set of cards for copywriters that include hints, tips and tricks
18 Oct 2022

CopyDeck: new tools for copywriters coming soon

Sign up for a notification when 400 sets of CopyDeck are made available to buy.

15 Oct 2022

10 tips for keeping corporate communications projects on track

Alison Harmer lists 10 ways to stop writing projects with multiple people involved from going awry

12 Oct 2022

Speaking my mind

Jo Watson takes a long, hard look at what she learned from delivering a talk as a newbie speaker at CopyCon 2019

12 Oct 2022

5 reasons why your website copy isn’t generating leads

Vera Nesvadbova has a good idea why your website’s putting off potential clients

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