Portfolio project
CIM Awards Bid

Except from the bid document:
“For the first time, the campaign delivered enrolments in a concise timeframe and wrapped up admissions ahead of the induction programme (which historically overlapped). The project saw collaboration between Marketing, Student Engagement, Admissions, Executive Leadership, Registry, Student Ambassadors/ Services, Estates, and IT teams. Cross-college working on this scale had not been seen during enrolment before.
The campaign engaged staff and students alike. Feedback was gathered via an enrolment exit survey. This was over 90% positive, with only constructive suggestions accounting for the other 10%. The period generated 500 Facebook/Live posts and 730 new page likes, 732 tweets, and 67 images/videos on Instagram.
Staff were able to guarantee for the first time that EVERY single individual had been offered careers advice and were enrolled on the most appropriate course; it is hoped that retention rates will also therefore increase (data yet to be collated).
Internal messages from the Executive Team were extremely positive and staff sent comments such as: “This year’s enrolment journey was the best since I have been at the College!”
The project was delivered with no additional funding/resource, was an innovative narrative within the sector, brought staff together, and improved established processes. The model was so successful, the Executive team are considering rolling out the model to other recruitment cohorts. For these reasons, and boosted target numbers, Marketing have been delighted with campaign.”