Portfolio project

Interview-Article for Product Design Agency

Jen Holloway is that rare breed; a potent mix of technical knowledge and creative intuition. The result of which, as many of those who work with her will testify, is so much more than the sum of these two parts. Her unique ability to recall, quick-as-a-flash and on-cue, precise technical detail on materials, and then use her knowledge to inspire the rest of the team, is legendary across DCA and helps bring agility to projects. A kind of creative geekery that’s a big part of what makes her tick and her input on projects so valuable. It’s a natural instinct, she admits, that has definitely helped grow her reputation in the world of CMF design. ‘I have a strong feeling about what will work and what won’t when it comes to selecting materials and colour,’ she explains, ‘and I’m obsessed with the detail.’

Read full piece here: https://www.dca-design.com/cmf


Siobhan Fitzgerald



Tunbridge Wells

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