Portfolio project
New resources for teenagers with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn’s and Colitis UK

Transition means moving from the children’s to the
adult IBD team. You might be feeling nervous about
this and that’s totally normal. It can help to know
what to expect. Transition is different for everyone. We
can’t say exactly what it will be like for you, but we can
give you some general ideas.
This information may help you to understand more
about what might happen and how you can prepare
for the change.
We wrote this booklet with the help of young people
who’ve been where you are now (and their parents).
They shared their stories with us so we could give you
tips to make transition easier.
“They did it at such a
gradual pace, it’s not
as scary as people
think it might be. It’s
quite a smooth and
gradual transition.”
Nick, age 21, diagnosed with
Ulcerative Colitis in 2006