Portfolio project

Radio Advert for the BHF

To listen to the advert and read about its impact, visit https://the-media-leader.com/how-bhf-got-brands-to-agree-to-interrupt-radio-ads/

I was tasked with writing a disrupter radio advert for the British Heart Foundation that would be played throughout the day on Heart Radio. The aim of the ad was to raise awareness of the BHF’s largest ever research grant of £30 million to CureHeart. This global collective of scientists from the UK, US and Singapore are developing gene therapy technologies that could edit faulty genes that cause inherited heart muscle diseases. I wrote three script ideas for the advert and pitched them to the BHF brand team. One was chosen (my favourite) and this script was recored by a voice over artist and put into production. I also wrote the landing page for the BHF website and all other assets associated with the Big Beat Challenge winners.


Dianne Vanstone

Blue Book Creative




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