Publess Quiz
OnlineJoin us for a pub quiz without the pub. Copywriter Karen Noble will be co-hosting.
Join us for a pub quiz without the pub. Copywriter Karen Noble will be co-hosting.
Professional trainer and UX consultant Tim Fidgeon shares some strategies for thinking creatively.
Head over to Twitter for our monthly tweetchat, when we pick a copywriting-related topic to discuss. This month we have Katherine Wildman (@haydngrey) joining us as our guest. Simply follow the hashtag #ProCopyChat to add your own questions, opinions and experiences.
Join Leif and Al as they discuss the fine art of naming products, brands, services and other things for clients - and life in general. You might have questions about where to draw inspiration, how to generate ideas or how to nudge your creativity in new directions. Whether you want to contribute, ask questions, or just listen, you're invited to a friendly, informal peer-support group for all kinds of commercial writers with all levels of experience.
Join Jackie Barrie and Leif Kendall for an interactive discussion about surviving a crisis as a freelancer.
Tim Fidgeon discusses the Internet of Things and the implications for copywriters. The IoT includes all web-connected devices like smart speakers, security cameras - and even web-connected fridges. Only for members of ProCopywriters.
Join the ProCopywriters book club as Tim Fidgeon presents a summary of The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu. Reading the book is optional but we'd love to hear your thoughts on the book.
Join Leif and Al as they discuss building your creative life. You might have questions about finding different clients or more clients - or maybe you have questions about positioning or marketing channels. Whether you want to contribute, ask questions, or just listen, you're invited to an informal peer-support group for all kinds of commercial writers.
What are the guiding principles behind designing content and experiences for smaller screens and mobile audiences? Tim Fidgeon explores the basics. Only for members of ProCopywriters.
How can personalisation make your marketing more powerful? Professional trainer Tim Fidgeon discusses personalisation strategies. This webinar is only for members of ProCopywriters. You will need to register and use both the access code from GoToWebinar and find the password in your ProCopywriters dashboard.
Tim Fidgeon presents an introduction to content strategy. According to Kristina Halvorson (a pioneer in the profession) "Content strategy guides the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content."
Join Leif and Al as they discuss content strategy. You might have questions about how to develop a content strategy, how to use one, or why they can be important when running a business. Whether you want to contribute, ask questions, or just listen, you're invited to an informal peer-support group for all kinds of commercial writers.
Join Sarah Townsend for an interactive Q&A focused on freelancing.
Tim Fidgeon explores the research into how people read online. This session was previously delivered in 2019. For members of ProCopywriters only.
New lower ticket price, additional speakers, fringe events, and an optional day of pre-conference training. Our seventh annual conference dedicated to words that sell.
Join us in London for the biggest CopyCon ever.
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