UK Copywriters Directory - Content strategy

  • You’re here because you need impactful and persuasive copy to give your customers and competitors something serious to think about. Since 2008 I’ve helped entrepreneurs, small businesses, and large organisations position their products, services and ideas across a wide range of business sectors, including tech, digital, SAAS, ecommerce and leisure. All the key marketing essentials are here, like web & lander copy, emails, VSLs & video scripts, advertorials, brochures ... anything cool & customised you need to promote your stuff. Gtg for fresh new copy, pinpoint revisions & wholescale resurrections. With my expertise, you can showcase your offer exactly the way you want ... and make it resonate to your advantage with precisely the audience you seek. No jargon. No waffle. No timesink. Saying the right thing to the right people in the right way about your enterprise is more important than ever before. This is true whether you're staying afloat, taking risks, or starting out with a bang. 2024 is turning out to be a catalytic moment in history and the possibilities for 2025 may be juicier than you think. Don’t leave it to your rivals to set the agenda. If your offer to the planet eases the load, speeds/greens things up, or breaks the mould entirely, you should probably get in touch sooner rather than later. Please note: I do not repurpose AI-generated content for human consumption. This odious task is best left to bored teenagers you can bribe with smack.

  • My career includes a decade of freelance thought leadership copywriting, research and communications backed by 15 years as a social science academic researcher and lecturer. What sets me apart? I have a unique blend of rigorous research and analytical skills, combined with the ability to craft copy that engages and resonates with diverse audiences. I love data storytelling, thriving on unearthing novel insights and presenting them in an accessible and visual way. My thought leadership commissions have brought companies influence, PR impact and have even helped initiate a new global proposition. My professional ethos is based on hard work, meticulous attention to detail, collaborative spirit, and a strong sense of purpose. I bring these values to every project I undertake. My expertise includes sustainability, the future of work, DEI, skills and employability, technology (SaaS and AI), business and finance, and cities/ruralism. However, my versatility as a writer means I can expertly cover a wide array of topics. In the past, I’ve been a regular writer for publications like Forbes, Inside Housing, Pioneers Post, CityMetric (New Statesman), HERE360, and many others. I’ve honed my craft in various settings, from in-house roles at Aptem and iResearch Services to collaborating with top media agencies such as Spoon, WriteArm, HROC, and Iris Worldwide.

  • We're the storytellers. We bring the narrative to the creative. We write to disrupt and delight. We write to ignite intrigue and inspire desire. Writing's the art of convincing audiences to feel something. Linney writing's the art of convincing audiences to do something. Because they feel something. It's distraction and interaction writ large. This is how the story starts.

  • I’m Zoe, a freelance content writer in Edinburgh. I help business owners connect with the people they’re selling to with content that leaves a lasting mark. Generous by nature, I specialise in long-form content like blogs, articles and ebooks, but I also offer email marketing services and consultancy, too.

  • Hi, I’m Amelie. I’m the writer who is going to craft the powerful copy your business needs. I need two things to create killer copy: a lot of coffee, and a deep understanding of your brand. You see, I’m passionate about finding that little thing that will make your leads melt. I’m a pro at showing off the deliciousness of your business.

  • Looking for someone that you can trust to tackle your content requirements and give you personalised recommendations that'll make your brand sing? A writer who really 'gets it'? That's me! Over the last 4+ years, I’ve created, edited, proofread and audited customer-focused content for different platforms and audiences — working with businesses in a broad range of industries to help them communicate the right messages, improve user experiences and increase audience engagement. Blogs and PR articles are my bread and butter, but I also love a bit of content strategy. And if you ever need to revamp your website or TOV guidelines, I'd happily sink my teeth into the project!

  • Words matter. They tell the world who you are and what you do. But in today’s media-rich society, we’re bombarded with competing messages. The art of persuasion begins with good quality copy which tells your story. It’s essential that the content is informative, reads well and encourages prospective customers to take your business seriously. Are you lost for words? Do you want a fresh perspective? Are you spending days wondering what to write for your website or brochure when you should be running your business? Have you considered using a professional copywriter? I can produce compelling content that will help you stand out from the crowd. My aim is to write creative and engaging words for small businesses, charities and social enterprises. I’m easy to work with and believe in developing a constructive relationship with clients from day one. I offer affordable packages for small organisations and start-ups. I want my services to be within your reach. Contact me for an informal conversation about your copywriting needs.

  • In my two decades or so of finding the right words for brands, I’ve fallen into bed with luxury hotels, let ideas percolate for indie coffee shops, made myself at home with ultra-luxe estate agents, set sail with the world’s biggest cruise lines and made waves for marine charities. There are loads more, but it isn't about me, it's about you. To cut a long story short, if your brand has lost its voice, I’ll help you find the right words. Who am I? Northerner marooned on the Devon coast. Spaniel tamer. Veggie breakfast aficionado. Tea drinker. Adventurer. Creative founder. Who have I helped? Startups, advertising and design agencies, multi-national companies, independent businesses. How have I helped? Web copy, editorial, campaign creative, brand tone of voice, brand strategy, content strategy, social media content, brochure and direct mail copy, product copy, SEO content...

  • "All you need is love..." Hi, I'm Nath. I help your audience to love you. I do this by putting the right words in the right place. I'm also a musician. As a copywriter, I make your offer attractive. As an SEO, I make it visible. As a content writer, I make you relevant. All of my work is about fluency. This can be emotional, verbal or technical but it’s always about making things easy for the customer. Maybe you can check Linkedin for the formal stuff. Feel free to say hello anytime, for any reason. Let's make the world kinder, greener and more confident.

  • Journalist and content writer with over 20 years experience. Sector expert in real estate, the built environment, sustainability, housing and the law. I have worked on thought leadership reports for organisations of all sizes. I particularly enjoy working with start-ups and am currently working with two in the tech and legal sectors. I specialise in long form content, but also ghostwrite shorter articles as well as social media posts that require my sector knowledge.

  • Hi! I'm a Physiotherapist turned healthcare copywriter and digital content marketing pro. I have a physiotherapy degree and 14+ years of clinical experience and have worked in a variety of settings and specialties across two continents. I have a diploma in digital marketing and certificates in SEO and science writing. I'm constantly upskilling myself in all things healthcare comms, SEO, user experience, and web copywriting. But, when I'm not writing (or reading about writing), I'm spending time with my husband and 2 children. My happy place is visiting with friends and family at home, at a place near the ocean, or on a game drive on the lookout for the big five.

  • We are a progressive marketing agency. We inspire and empower our clients to make the world a better place. We work with clients that help people live healthy, sustainable, flourishing lives. We design, build and run ‘Difference Engines’ that power their long-term marketing success. We do it with a combination of: - Brand strategy - Signature websites - Expert copywriting - HubSpot consultancy

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

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Fair, realistic rates let copywriters do what they do best: capture attention, raise awareness and make sales.

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Member spotlight

young woman with sunglasses on smiling against picturesque waterfallsSarah Vordermeier

“Fill your time and inspiration board with conferences, podcasts and reading. These will always give you confidence, connections with peers and a glimpse of what thought leadership looks like.”

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

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