UK Copywriters Directory - Content strategy

  • I've been helping global brands and household names use good words to create a better customer experience for over 15 years. I honed my skills as head of brand language at one of London’s top communications and PR agencies, helping them to build a brand language team from nothing. I designed products and services to develop and deliver tone of voice, and created training programmes, guidelines, customer journey mapping and internal and external research programmes. I then moved to a specialist tone of voice agency, where I made sure the work was never less than top notch. There I worked closely with clients on global brand tone projects, digital communications and copywriting training. Now I head up Enough Said (, and am on a mission to help people use words well to bring their brand to life. I do this through brand language development, training, copywriting and content strategy and design.

  • How to convey in one little summary box that I love big ideas, clever concepts, long-held passions, people who talk with their hands, the rhythm of accents, gerunds and Faber book covers? Colour palette of DREAMS, man. How to tell you that I believe inspiration is everywhere, from Flaubert to fish finger adverts; that voice is everything; that the world is made of stories but it all hangs on the telling - and that the fathoming of that telling is maybe the most satisfying bit of all? That I think good writing is just fine and dandy, but great writing - the stuff that feels instantly, unquestionably, thrillingly yours - is what we should all be aiming for? Hell, it’s what we all deserve? I mean, this thing doesn’t even allow for italics. But here goes. Communication strategies and training, brand stories, writing that captivates and compels: I live and breathe it all. Got a story that needs telling? Get in touch.

  • Having worked in digital marketing roles for several years, I launched Content By The Sea in February 2019 after noticing that many businesses are lacking resource, understanding and technology required to deliver a content strategy that serves them. She also enjoys blogging about mental health, cooking delicious vegan food and walking the North East shores with Potter.

  • I'm a copywriter and content consultant based in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. I've been a journalist, an in-house comms manager and I've worked agency-side. I'm now bringing all that experience to the bit I really love: communicating ideas through words. So, if you're looking for someone with an appetite for understanding what your customers want - someone creative, considered and diligent who can quickly turn concepts and ideas into crisp, clear copy - then let's chat. Whether you need strategic support for content-driven projects, some SEO-friendly words for your website, or engaging copy for brochures and marketing materials, I'm here to help. Find our more at

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Member spotlight

young woman with sunglasses on smiling against picturesque waterfallsSarah Vordermeier

“Fill your time and inspiration board with conferences, podcasts and reading. These will always give you confidence, connections with peers and a glimpse of what thought leadership looks like.”

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

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