UK Copywriters Directory

  • PRO
    I write winning bids and tenders.

  • PRO
    Experienced copywriter and proofreader delivering lucidity across my work and professional approach. Think clear and readily understood with a sprinkle of shininess. Commercially savvy word nerd who knows how to spell and how to sell. Whatever the subject, you can trust me to find the right words to inform, inspire and engage. Passionate about supporting start-ups, supercharging businesses and inspiring individuals who appreciate the power of the written word. Established copywriting tutor at College of Media and Publishing, helping students worldwide to reach their potential.

  • PRO
    Creative Copywriter based in Glasgow, Scotland. I specialise in working with SMEs, developing brand voices, web copy and content strategy.

  • PRO
    I'm a fully trained London-based copywriter with a background in publishing, entertainment and mail order marketing. With experience in researching and writing marketing communications, magazine features and web content, I have produced direct mail packs, brochures, insert campaigns, print advertising, emails and websites. My portfolio demonstrates brand diversity and a strong knowledge of platforms. My freelance work has built up from a combination of word of mouth recommendation and interest generated from my website,, which I created at the end of 2010. These days, I usually work from my office in Sevenoaks, however I am more than happy to work in-house for creative agencies in London, Kent and Sussex. Some of my recent clients include: Direct Line Group, TES Global, First News, News UK (The Times, The Sun), The Week, The British Film Institute, Reckitt Benckiser (Dettol), Staples, GlobeAir, Cyclist magazine, British Sky Broadcasting and Intermission Education in Theatre.

  • PRO
    I have worked successfully with clients across many sectors providing advertising copy, website content and blog posts. I have a degree in Human Resource Management, so I am looking to specialise in the fields of recruitment and personnel.

  • PRO
    Specialising in automotive B2B and B2C SE-Optimised content & copy. 30+ years of automotive industry knowledge and experience. From 'hands on' to management & ownership, I understand the industry, market, demographics and sales from both perspectives. Freelance writing since 2012, training under a number of well-known and respected agencies and organisations. My words have been used by organisations such as JLR, The Guardian, and Coventry University. Member of The Guild of Motoring Writers You can view some of my work at (3m+ members)

  • PRO
    No two businesses are the same. Sure, you could be in the same industry as plenty of others, you could have direct competitors and a need to reach the same markets, but your business will have something that nobody else does. Whether you know what makes you stand out, or if you can’t quite put your finger on it, we can dig down into your brand and to help you spread the word. Your website may need an overhaul, you might want to start reaching people through a blog, or you could require something less digital and more physical (like a brochure or advertising copy). Whatever it is you need, we’ll take you through the process to make sure the results are spot on. So, stick the kettle on and let’s have a chat about what your brand is really all about. Once we know that, we can find the right words to tell the world.

  • PRO
    A conceptual copywriter with over 15 years' experience crafting words.I translate your thoughts and ideas into compelling copy that connects with your target audience. My experience spans two continents and a vast range of sectors.

  • PRO
    I started out in the communications field 20 years ago, writing and editing in traditional book publishing. Then the internet happened. In the heady days of the early 2000s I was working solely on digital projects for a small specialist start-up. We were a small team, so I had the opportunity to work across all aspects of digital comms, from writing to design to technical to marketing. We eventually morphed into a large international STM publisher, and I was focussed solely on producing and marketing high-end educational and promotional products. I’ve gained a ton of experience and insight into the various aspects of websites, apps and all manner of digital comms products, but in the end I wanted to get back to the story. I don’t work in any particular niches, and I like the variety that provides. In the end it comes down to solid copywriting technique and knowing what’s required for a particular kind of job. It has to be good writing, and it has to be the right kind of writing, to get the engagement and pull readers “across the line”. That’s what I focus on. I’m insanely curious and am happiest when I’m learning something new. I’m even happier when I’m getting paid to write about it! Put me to work on any topic, and I’ll do you proud. I know a lot about a number of fields: writing, editing, marketing, design, digital development, what makes a successful digital product or service, how to translate technobabble, what makes effective sales and marketing materials, press releases, blog posts, in-depth content marketing pieces, content discovery, SEO essentials and a whole lot more. And I’m a dab hand at Wordpress, so if you’re a small business looking to set up a package of communications essentials, I’ve got you covered. Website + content + SEO + social media… and all the little technical bits involved. Beyond these, my interests include: productivity, mental health & mindfulness, lifestyle, travel, food, sustainable brands and living, drawing and printmaking, photography, music, film, theatre, aviation, dogs, social issues and a touch of politics. I know what clients need. I know how to make their lives easier. Beyond top-notch writing, it means delivering what’s needed at the right time and cost, and open communication. And if I can bring my wealth of experience to any other aspects of your comms work beyond the words, I will help you. Get in touch to find out more or talk about a project you have in mind.

  • PRO
    I'm a freelance copywriter with over a decade's experience writing for brands like TK Maxx, Red Bull Sound Select, and more.

  • PRO
    Well-written copy is invaluable. It builds brand awareness and trust, communicates your story, and compels the reader to take action. Copy makes the difference in visiting a website; clicking an ad or scrolling past; liking, sharing, engaging and following; making a call or sending an email; a decision to purchase there and then. When it comes to digital and content marketing, copywriters don’t just need to be great writers. They also need to understand SEO, link building, and the user journey. For businesses without the necessary in-house expertise or resources, getting this right can be a hard slog. It doesn't have to be. I'll take the time to understand your business and what you need. Then we can get to work - creating copy and content that speaks to your customers.

  • PRO
    Creative, professional and intelligent copywriting for your business needs. If you are looking for assistance with copywriting for your business and marketing activities, I can produce content for you that sells. With years of experience in a full time marketing role, I have now focused my attention on my passion – content writing. I draw on my digital marketing experience and my knowledge gained via a first class honours degree in Psychology, to ensure that the copy I produce for you is not only of the highest level of quality, but also engages with your audience to increase your sales. Services include the following for both B2B and B2C markets: · Website Copy · Email Marketing Campaigns · Blogs · Company Brochures and Marketing Materials · Social Media Posts and Engagement · Newsletters · Business Plans · SEO Copy writing For more information on how I can boost your business, contact me on the details below and I would be happy to assist your queries.

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

Suggested rates

Fair, realistic rates let copywriters do what they do best: capture attention, raise awareness and make sales.

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Looking For A Copywriter?

Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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