UK Copywriters Directory

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    Freelance writer specialising in video, working on copy, content and scripts for agencies, brands and small businesses. As a video expert, I have written scripts for creative agencies, charities and businesses. As a creative copywriter, I have written for big brands like Sony and created TOV for independent retailers, creatives and start-ups including Haskapa and Suede & Co. My content writing work includes regular features for London Cheapo and Live For Films, as well as interactive educational resources for The Into Film charity. Say hello at: email: Twitter: bec_bebop Case Studies here: London Cheapo articles: Live For Films:

  • PRO
    British copywriter based in Florence, Italy, producing high quality content and copy writing services for small to medium-sized businesses. Special interests: food and catering, food innovation, sustainable businesses What I do: Website copy Blogs Case Studies Product descriptions Creative translation (Italian to English)

  • PRO
    I'm a copywriter. I help people with awesome ideas get their message out by using engaging and downright persuasive words. I started Epic Copy Write because I had grown tired of seeing awful writing. We've all seen a beautifully crafted website - your eye is drawn to the stunning design and painstaking craftsmanship - for it to fall flat on it's face when you read the messaging and still have no idea what the business actually does. That's where I come in. I use the written word to get your message across, persuade and have your customers coming back again and again. This is all done with a human touch - there's no need to sound like a corporate robot. Being a sales manager taught me so much about people. It's all about people, their problems and how you can solve them. Before we put pen to paper and write any 'copy' there's a lot to chat about: > What you stand for > Who your customers are and what makes your customers tick > How you, and only you, can solve their problems Once the scene has been set and the background information brought together, we can start to make things happen. Message me now to get started.

  • PRO
    I originally trained as a journalist and cut my teeth on local news, before moving into B2B PR for 15 years. Always happier on the end of a thesaurus than on a phone to a journalist, I drifted further into content marketing, before starting my own agency, Contentology, in 2015. I'm now in an editorial role, working with a team of freelance content and direct response copy writers, designers and digital marketers, to produce lead gen campaigns for complex B2B clients. I'm particularly interested in the psychology of the B2B buying process and I'm constantly tinkering with email copy, landing page CTAs and tones of voice to get conversion rates up and achieve cut through in increasingly saturated markets. I still write long-form content on a regular basis for clients in the fintech, personal finance, mobile and e-commerce, professional services and industrial markets.

  • PRO

  • PRO
    I am a partner at and/or/if where we help organisations use language and design to connect with their audiences.

  • PRO
    Hello I'm Hannah, an English language and literature graduate, communications professional and word enthusiast. Over the last eight years working in PR and marketing communications, I’ve learnt that effective writing is part strategy, part creativity. For me, it’s all about helping passionate people, organisations, charities and small businesses to connect with their communities. Whether you need help with just a few words or a whole project, I'm here to help.

  • PRO
    I'm an expert copywriter and digital marketer with a background in journalism. My top priorities are quality, attention to detail and customer service. My career has spanned roles as a creative commercial copywriter and agency account handler; feature writer and website content editor at the Manchester Evening News (the UK’s leading regional daily newspaper and website); and editor and writing team manager at Itchy Manchester (part of a nationwide series of city guides). For my extensive brand experience and more information, please take a look at my website:

  • PRO
    Whether I'm writing for a business, government, a charity or an individual... I write so that people will read. And if it's in scope to entertain at the same time, I will. I've been freelance since 2007, having worked as a writer and then Head of Copy in some of the big London communications agencies: Pauffley, Aquarium Writers, Corporate Edge, TMP Worldwide, PA Consulting. If you call yourself a copywriter, you're obliged to have some experience of the outside world, I reckon. So here's some back story. After graduating in Eng Lit & Language, and qualifying as a teacher in Manchester, I taught English in Greece and Poland. Came back, moved to London and worked in shops and offices. My big break was joining the British Council (BC), where I spent a few years arranging book exhibitions, squiring Russian publishers around London and gracing the BC stand at European Book Fairs - all in the cause of promoting UK publishing. In 1989 I discovered that you could write creatively AND earn a living wage, and it was called copywriting. Have enjoyed writing for clients and their audiences ever since.

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    I'm qualified in Geophysics and Science Communication. My route to freelance copywriting has been a meandering one, taking in science presenting, science writing, consumer PR, corporate communications and finally freelance writing, over the course of about 15 years, with gaps for kids along the way. I've written across a fairly wide range of fields, from Energy to Tourism, with a stint editing a Weddings magazine in the middle. I specialise in web content, using words that keep people reading, and I'll happily take on projects for print as well. Away from work I'm a keen hill runner and Mum of three boys.

  • PRO
    I’m a copywriter with tons of experience in all the acronyms: B2B, B2C, SEO, OOH and so on. For the past 20-odd years, I’ve been freelance, working with agencies and clients throughout the UK, as well as some US-based companies. I've worked on everything from advertisements to sales collateral, recruitment campaigns, scripts for management conferences, training materials, intranets and more for a vast range of clients. Check out the website to found out more

  • PRO
    Konrad Sanders is an SEO and sales-savvy copywriter with a pretty darn creative noggin on his shoulders. He has a team of word-slinging cowboys who go by the name of The Creative Copywriter.

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

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Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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