UK Copywriters Directory

  • Freelance copywriter, brand voice developer, bonkers word shoer-inner... I specialise in writing B2C food and lifestyle content with the odd surprising word thrown in for good measure. I’ll pop the word ‘frog’ in there, if necessary. As an SEO copywriter, I write words that make your brand stand out when your customers search for stuff on Google. As a brand voice developer, I find your true voice – the one that makes the Googlers find you and fall in love with you. See, even though we all spend our lives shopping, working and socialising online, we are still humans looking for a smile. So, with some gorgeous and sometimes unexpected words, I mix the digital and retro worlds into one delightful experience. A bit like watching Only Fools and Horses on your iPhone. By the way, I love rabbiting on about mental health too. In an unofficial, real-life kinda way. I can write about it till the cows come home, so if you'd like to talk to me about that, lemme know. P.S. Sorry about the mixed animal metaphors...

  • Medically-accurate but engaging content for your audience. Customers? Patients? Healthcare Professionals? I can help. Want complicated medical concepts explained simply? Or to engage your audience whilst helping them learn something new? Maybe you're looking to sell your medical service or product with both facts and emotion? With several years' experience in the NHS, a medical writing agency, and working directly with clients as a freelancer, your health and medical content is in good hands.

  • Senior Copywriter at Scottish Ballet.

  • Words matter. They tell the world who you are and what you do. But in today’s media-rich society, we’re bombarded with competing messages. The art of persuasion begins with good quality copy which tells your story. It’s essential that the content is informative, reads well and encourages prospective customers to take your business seriously. Are you lost for words? Do you want a fresh perspective? Are you spending days wondering what to write for your website or brochure when you should be running your business? Have you considered using a professional copywriter? I can produce compelling content that will help you stand out from the crowd. My aim is to write creative and engaging words for small businesses, charities and social enterprises. I’m easy to work with and believe in developing a constructive relationship with clients from day one. I offer affordable packages for small organisations and start-ups. I want my services to be within your reach. Contact me for an informal conversation about your copywriting needs.

  • Freelance copy and content writer with over 6 years of in-house and agency experience. I've interviewed Marc Jacobs, worked with Chuck D in California, and had Johnny Rotten tell me my work was sh*t. I've looked up at my words as they looked over Camden High Street and I finished my masters degree from a hostel in rural Australia. After 4 years making noise for Dr. Martens in Camden, I succumbed to the call of the North and returned to the land where other literary greats like Bob Mortimer and Chris Rea were forged – my beautiful Teesside. Portfolio:

  • I'm an Irish word-wrangler with glow in the dark hair. My professional background is in investment sales and corporate coaching. I initially trained as a translator, and now adapt & create content for UK/Ireland market. I've written and adapted content for LinkedIn and YouTube. I'm looking to improve my knowledge of Digital Marketing and expand my network in the UK and beyond. Particularly interested in the Fintech and the Greentech sectors.

  • Migrating to the UK in 2009 to chase my dream of becoming a leading voice in the alternative health and wellness industry, I have now cemented myself as an authoritative figure in the UK medical cannabis and CBD space. Receiving a master’s in journalism from Goldsmiths, University of London in 2014 allowed me to refine my writing skills and develop a keen eye for crafting compelling and informative content. Since then, I have written for top cannabis publications here in the UK and abroad, and I offer consultancy services to other businesses looking to establish their brand voice within the industry. But what truly sets me apart is my personal experience as a prescribed medical cannabis patient. I understand the struggles and stigmas that come with using alternative medicine and am passionate about breaking down barriers and promoting education around it. Through my content, I strive to make the benefits of medical cannabis and CBD more widely known, while also squashing the misconceptions surrounding cannabis that still run rife.

  • You’re here because you need impactful and persuasive copy to give your customers and competitors something serious to think about. Since 2008 I’ve helped entrepreneurs, small businesses, and large organisations position their products, services and ideas across a wide range of business sectors, including tech, digital, SAAS, ecommerce and leisure. All the key marketing essentials are here, like web & lander copy, emails, VSLs & video scripts, advertorials, brochures ... anything cool & customised you need to promote your stuff. Gtg for fresh new copy, pinpoint revisions & wholescale resurrections. With my expertise, you can showcase your offer exactly the way you want ... and make it resonate to your advantage with precisely the audience you seek. No jargon. No waffle. No timesink. Saying the right thing to the right people in the right way about your enterprise is more important than ever before. This is true whether you're staying afloat, taking risks, or starting out with a bang. 2024 looks set to be a catalytic moment in history and the possibilities may be juicier than you think. Don’t leave it to your rivals to set the agenda. If your offer to the planet eases the load, speeds/greens things up, or breaks the mould entirely, you should probably get in touch sooner rather than later. Please note: I do not repurpose AI-generated content for human consumption. This odious task is best left to bored teenagers you can bribe with smack.

  • In my two decades or so of finding the right words for brands, I’ve fallen into bed with luxury hotels, let ideas percolate for indie coffee shops, made myself at home with ultra-luxe estate agents, set sail with the world’s biggest cruise lines and made waves for marine charities. There are loads more, but it isn't about me, it's about you. To cut a long story short, if your brand has lost its voice, I’ll help you find the right words. Who am I? Northerner marooned on the Devon coast. Spaniel tamer. Veggie breakfast aficionado. Tea drinker. Adventurer. Creative founder. Who have I helped? Startups, advertising and design agencies, multi-national companies, independent businesses. How have I helped? Web copy, editorial, campaign creative, brand tone of voice, brand strategy, content strategy, social media content, brochure and direct mail copy, product copy, SEO content...

  • I’m a freelance copywriter and creative marketer based in York. I work with small businesses, agencies, or marketing departments when they need an extra pair of hands. I'm creative at heart. A wordsmithing wonder and conceptual thinker. I've written copy and content for every marketing role I've had over the last 20 years, from big corporates to small start-ups, and have developed my love of language and tone of voice to help bring brands, products, campaigns, and events to life. Storytelling to educate, engage, excite or encourage action. Most recently I've been working with the brilliant team at brand studio EDNA (Leeds), helping with their re-brand, writing blogs for a national composite door brand, and providing holiday cover for an Account Director, looking after a high-street retailer client. I work with the talented chaps at Your Creative Sauce (York) leading messaging workshops for client videos, marketing campaign strategy and pitch writing, and creative copywriting for campaigns and websites. I'm a freelance member of the YouFibre Marketing Team - bringing my experience from the telecoms sector to help them find their tone of voice, crafting their refer a friend content and customer journey comms as well as a full re-write of their business and consumer websites.

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

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Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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