UK Copywriters Directory

  • Tiffany Markman is an award-winning writer, trainer and speaker with 18 years of experience spanning brand voice development, website copywriting, content strategy and thought leadership. You may have seen her live on stage at CopyConX in London! Tiffany has written for 570+ brands in 15+ countries, trained more than 36 000 people, and managed to maintain relative sanity...even as all those about her appear to be losing theirs. She is Africa's 'Copywriter of the Year (Corporate and Commercial)' for 2023 and was the ‘Most Effective Copywriter in Southern Africa’ in 2022, one of the 'Top 50 Female Content Marketers in the World’ in 2021 and South Africa's ‘Freelance Copywriter of the Year’ in 2020. Tiffany adores sharp pencils with erasers on the end and starting sentences with “And” and “But”.

  • I’m a certified copywriter and the owner of Perception Copywriting. I have a passion for creating engaging content that connects with target audiences. Crafting words into messages that truly resonate with people is both my hobby and vocation. I love hearing about start-ups and SMEs, especially when they succeed. Nothing excites me more than seeing a new shop front emerge on the high street. I find myself going in just to chat to the owner and wish them luck. Likewise, in a previous life as a supply chain professional, I always enjoyed talking to new suppliers. When did they start? How many people did they employ? What was their turnover? It was like Dragons’ Den…just without the money. But some businesses fail to connect with their customers. They’re good at what they do (may even be the best), but struggle because they don’t know how to properly promote themselves. It’s not their fault. Writing about yourself is hard. And it’s easy to underestimate just how powerful words can be. My aim is to help businesses find their true voice and reach out to the right people. Using clear and concise language, I will tell their story in whatever format they choose. Perception is everything, but clarity is key. In my spare time I like travelling, motorsport, comedy, hiking, and tasting cheese (in very generous amounts!). I would love to hear all about your business journey. Contact me and let’s see how we can work together.

  • Hello, I'm Helen, a freelance digital copywriter, content creator, communications expert and family travel blogger. My passions are travel (especially home-grown, ethical and sustainable), tech, feminism and making complicated stuff easy to understand. I’m a no jargon, no fluff kind of person, and believe in making Every. Word. Count. With two decades of experience in the travel industry, I’m at ease writing for tourist boards, airlines, travel start-ups and travel technology companies. But I’m also pretty good at crafting thought leadership pieces for busy CEOs or getting to grips with a new product or service and making it simple.

  • As of 2021, a love of editing inspired me to become a qualified editor. And, the excitement of online learning and fascination with words inspired me to diversify into copywriting. I love the moon, stargazing and trees, too.

  • Hello there! I'm Eoin, an award-winning copywriter who increases conversions on websites, email & ads. I'm currently Head of Copy & Deputy Creative Director at an independent ad agency, as well as a freelancer helping private clients improve their conversions online. I've written for clients of all shapes and sizes, from large public sector organisations to little start-ups, and have written award-winning TV ads, high-converting landing pages and everything in between. ADVANCED EXPERIENCE: - Conversion copy (email, landing pages, sales pages, funnels, social, digital) - Creative copy (TV, radio, press, digital, print, outdoor) - Marketing strategy E: W:

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

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Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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