UK Copywriters Directory

  • Writer, re-writer, editor, communications adviser: 10 years in advertising, 10 years in EU institutions, 20 years in European multinationals, 5 years in development NGOs, World Food Programme and African Development Bank as Communications Chief. Now UK based but wide European perspective. Writing on all subjects including economic development, health, politics and climate change. I have edited and written books of all types including poetry, prose, philosophy and business. Experienced copywriter and high level speechwriter.

  • I edited SquareMeal, London’s market-leading restaurant guide, for 13 years and I have been the restaurant expert for Telegraph Luxury since 2013. Whether contributing to trade titles such as The Caterer and Imbibe or lifestyle glossies including Marie Claire and Men’s Health, I have a proven track record of adapting my writing style and producing engaging content for different readerships. I am happy to undertake public speaking and I am a recognised opinion leader in my field. I have been quoted extensively as an expert commentator in The New York Times, the Daily Mail and the London Evening Standard.

  • You need words. I write words. Words for the web, print, and anywhere else that needs them .Got it? Good. Get in touch. One client was so grateful, she named her first-born after me. Funny name for a girl, Brian.

  • I am a copywriter and content creator specialising in healthcare, particularly weight management, nutrition, diabetes and NCDs. I have a strong background in lifestyle editorial and as a trained interviewer, reporter and researcher I bring all those skills to bear in helping brands tell more compelling stories. I'm also confident working with designers and expert contributors and have plenty of copy-editing and proofreading experience. After deciding to switch from journalism to copywriting I studied for a CAM Diploma in Marketing Communications. I now have 10 years' experience as a freelance copywriter, working directly for clients and with agencies. I write about brands large and small, from start-ups to multinationals in highly regulated sectors such as financial services and healthcare. Services I can offer include: Copywriting: Advertisements and advertorials; web pages; marketing emails; product descriptions; app notifications; developing and implementing Tone of Voice guidelines; press releases; brochures; CRM programmes Editorial: Newsletters; events and conference reporting; case studies; features; interviews; profiles; reviews; blog posts; thought leadership; copy-editing; proofreading Social media: Identifying and exploiting assets to plan, create and schedule social media posts; curating and promoting user-generated content For more information and my rates, please visit my website:

  • My first paid gig as a writer was writing children's book reviews for a consumer magazine. From those book-y beginnings followed a career publishing, marketing books for small independent publishers and big American publishing houses like National Geographic and HarperCollins. After several years writing sales pitches and marketing copy I decided I wanted to do something different, like challenging Government policy (well, someone has to) and delivering public campaigns for the non-profit sector. I went to work for a high-profile human rights NGO working at the forefront of British politics. Reacting to a fast-paced and ever-changing political landscape, and dishing out multi-channel campaign messaging across a range of issues. Unpicking complex legal and policy-speak became my bag. I specialised in turning them into relatable stories and engaging communications. Now I write for both business and charity clients, helping them build their brands and campaigns, and develop content for online, email, social and print. I still love books, but write mostly about design, parenting and education.

  • I've been helping global brands and household names use good words to create a better customer experience for over 15 years. I honed my skills as head of brand language at one of London’s top communications and PR agencies, helping them to build a brand language team from nothing. I designed products and services to develop and deliver tone of voice, and created training programmes, guidelines, customer journey mapping and internal and external research programmes. I then moved to a specialist tone of voice agency, where I made sure the work was never less than top notch. There I worked closely with clients on global brand tone projects, digital communications and copywriting training. Now I head up Enough Said (, and am on a mission to help people use words well to bring their brand to life. I do this through brand language development, training, copywriting and content strategy and design.

  • I've been copywriting for ten years and counting, starting in digital marketing agencies before going freelance full-time in October 2013. I have a degree from Oxford University and a Diploma in Copywriting, and work for clients ranging from start-ups to international organisations. I particularly enjoy writing for lifestyle and travel clients, but I'll happily write about virtually anything. Some of the clients I've written copy for: The North Face, Vans, Lacoste, the United Nations World Food Programme, Miele, Skyscanner, Foot Locker and Starwood Hotels.

  • How to convey in one little summary box that I love big ideas, clever concepts, long-held passions, people who talk with their hands, the rhythm of accents, gerunds and Faber book covers? Colour palette of DREAMS, man. How to tell you that I believe inspiration is everywhere, from Flaubert to fish finger adverts; that voice is everything; that the world is made of stories but it all hangs on the telling - and that the fathoming of that telling is maybe the most satisfying bit of all? That I think good writing is just fine and dandy, but great writing - the stuff that feels instantly, unquestionably, thrillingly yours - is what we should all be aiming for? Hell, it’s what we all deserve? I mean, this thing doesn’t even allow for italics. But here goes. Communication strategies and training, brand stories, writing that captivates and compels: I live and breathe it all. Got a story that needs telling? Get in touch.

  • Working in Cornwall, I've developed a specialism writing for small and medium-sized businesses, producing web content, product descriptions, leaflets, newsletters, social media strategies (and the occasional post) plus posters, adverts and other bits and pieces. My clients are from a variety of sectors, including hospitality, weddings, food, craft, and the service industry, as well as a couple of charities. The common feature is that they're busy people, looking to get the best out of their websites and other written materials, and without the skills or time to manage that themselves. I can also edit and proofread clients' own work, which can make an all-round approach to a project, for instance writing the website's main text, and editing a how-to section, written by in-house experts. Personally, my interests are varied, and include cooking, the outdoors, history, music, singing, and the environment.

  • It’s not easy writing about yourself, I’m usually much happier writing for others, but I’m here to tell you about me and my business… I’ve been writing professionally for a few years now. My company is called Initial Words Copywriting and Proofreading, and I am based in Urmston in Manchester. I started my career as a media officer at Lancashire County Cricket Club and after a few seasons of looking after the press box and media releases, I decided that I wanted a change. Jump forward a few years and I am here in Urmston sharing offices with a pair of web developers, a marketing consultant and a social media company, and we have formed a type of co-op. We work together often and it’s useful to have other industry experts on hand! I think if I was to share one of the most important skills I’ve learned over my career it is to learn to listen to your client. To be able to write in your client’s voice, you have to listen to them first and understand what their brand message is. Without that, you are just writing your own words, not being a copywriter. I love listening. What sort of services do I offer? I try not to specialise in just one area. Carrying out different sorts of writing means that I can understand different types of voices and tones, and I like to turn my hand to many industries. Blogs Editing Proofreading SEO and content optimisation Product descriptions Setting up and managing WooCommerce WordPress website administration Newsletters Press releases Website content Social media profiles App content Brochure and leaflet content Interview skills Enough about me! If you would like to learn more about my content service please do get in touch or message through and I’ll get the kettle on.

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Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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