UK Copywriters Directory

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  • PRO
    I create concepts, copy and content for brands you know and love. Whether I’m happily writing away in agencies, in-house, or in my home studio, I aim to add value at every stage of the creative process – working from initial idea to the final full stop. My portfolio includes words for apetito, Aussie, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Disney, Ericsson, Estée Lauder, KitKat, Pink Lady, Quality Street, Revlon, Sainsbury’s, Samsung, Shell, and Thule. If you think I’d be a perfect fit for your next project, I'd love to make a positive contribution to your team, and to bring out the best in your brand.

  • PRO
    I provide copywriting services to payment innovators, tech firms and the funeral sector. I'm also interested in nature and would love to add some environment NGOs to my client portfolio.

  • PRO
    No content team but want blogs, emails and resources that people actually want to read? Need copy for your website that converts? I can help. A former b2b journalist, with experience in healthcare, tech & business, I have 10+ years experience in turning complex (often dry) topics into compelling content that makes people read, click, like & subscribe. I've written for B2B and B2C brands, including Dulux, Dulux Trade, Fray Bentos, East Lancashire Railway and INTU boiling water taps. I currently work in-house for SaaS firm AutoRek, which provides automated reconciliation software to financial services organisation. I offer: Content strategy Website copywriting Email marketing Blog writing Case studies Press releases & feature articles

  • PRO

  • PRO
    Copywriter. Storyteller. Bookworm. Owned by a dog that looks like a sausage. I'm a copywriter with a love of the arts and a background in social sciences. In short, I love words and I love people. In that order. I can weave words together in a way that makes people feel things. And do things. But not in a creepy way. Which leads me to you... Is there a weak link in your marketing funnel? Are prospects visiting your site but not sticking around long enough to act? Maybe you're revitalising your brand and need to spruce up some existing copy. Whether you need to get your business out there, drive traffic to your site, nurture existing relationships or convert leads to sales. Clear, compelling copy can seriously enhance your results. From website copy, eBooks and brochures through to email marketing, landing pages and blogs. Tell me your goals and I’ll whip up some words that will draw your prospects in like metal to a magnet. Positioning you as the answer to their problems. (Because of course you are) So, take a peek at my portfolio at As one client said, 'now that we've found Leesa, we won't use anyone else'. Get in touch. If you have the will, I'll find the words.

  • PRO
    I create original & engaging copy and content. I'll help you frame complex offerings clearly, effectively and persuasively - without losing critical detail. Specialisms include the care sector and property (architecture, real estate, construction, and their associated industries), as well as fintech, education, and travel. I have clients throughout the UK, plus others in Europe and the Middle East. I'm comfortable writing in American as well as British English. People come to me for copy and content for websites, eBooks, and longer ghost writing projects - and blogs that have something interesting to say. I'll work with or without AI, depending on client preference. My background includes a law degree, over ten years in the long haul travel industry and nearly twenty years teaching. For more information, have a look at my website (which includes a link to my portfolio), or just give me a call. I'll be happy to explain in more detail how I can help your business thrive. If you've sent me a message I will always reply, so if you're waiting on an answer please also check your spam folder.

  • PRO
    When words are your problem, I’m your solution. I help in two ways. If you don’t have the copywriting skills or capacity in your team and need a quick fix, you can outsource your writing to me. If you want to boost the writing skills or confidence of your team, you can hire me as a writing skills trainer. My clients include marketing agencies, SMEs, national and multinational businesses and the public sector. Perhaps the biggest testament to my qualities is that I have been working with several of them since I started my business in 2012. I believe they choose to stay with me for four reasons. I’m pragmatic: I’ll always be able to back up anything I’ve recommended or written with best practice knowledge and sound thinking. That said, you’re the customer and you know your business. I’m not diva-ish or precious. I’m proactive: you’re engaging me to write copy or train your team, but I’ll always go the extra mile to add value and offer suggestions, ideas and feedback where it’s appropriate. I’m practical: I’ll call when I say I will; I’ll deliver when I say I will. My job is to help you and your business, so you can rely on me to be reliable. I’m professional: if I need to talk to a customer or supplier of yours, you can put me in touch with them without fear. I work hard to make a good impression and reflect well on you and your business. If you'd like to have a conversation about how I could help you, get in touch - I'll look forward to hearing from you.

  • PRO
    I’m a conversion-focused copywriter for online businesses. I offer copy audits of website copy and email sequences and VIP Days for when you need copy in a hurry. Please visit my website for more information.

  • PRO
    I've been a copywriter since 2011, and specialise in saving people from website shame. You know the feeling... You give someone your business card, hoping they won't check out your website. I also deal with the fiddly business of on-page SEO — so your sparkling new content gets noticed by more people. And if you've been putting off writing blogs, whitepapers, case studies or anything that needs well-chosen words, put it off no longer. Ask me to do it for you.

  • PRO

  • PRO
    I use words to prompt action from your customers. My favourite copy is short, sweet and sometimes sweary. I'll boil your message down to its core essence. Like a chef reducing down a jus. Then I'll add in some personality. Like the class joker farting in assembly. I do... 🔹️ ad straplines 🔹 posters 🔹 billboards 🔹 ads projected onto the moon 🔹️ hero copy 🔹 villain copy 🔹️ naming projects 🔹️ core messaging, values 🔹️ ad scripts 🔹️ landing pages 🔹️ socials 🔹 anti-socials A bit about me... I have a beautiful clickedy-clackedy keyboard. I'm not saying it gives me the edge over other copywriters but I'm also not *not* saying that. I have two daughters (who I love more than the keyboard - this list is in no particular order). I believe gherkins/pickles go with any savoury dish. Prove me wrong. For a decade I represented Great Britain in a sport you've probably never heard of. I'm patient, a good team player; completed Grand Theft Auto 5 with my husband without getting divorced. Get in touch for copy with character.

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

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Member spotlight

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

Jo Watson

“I wish we were all more honest when speaking to newer or younger copywriters and telling them what to expect in their career. It’s a hard job, it’s constantly evolving, and it’s still nowhere near as widely respected (as both an art and a science) as it should be.”

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