UK Copywriters Directory - Content strategy

  • PRO
    Corporate communications specialist. Currently developing and delivering strategic leadership, brand and culture messaging for LV= Life and Pensions.

  • PRO
    I'm a London-based freelance communications consultant and copywriter with 16 years of experience. From inspiring thought leadership to strategic brand development, I've helped clients such as Dyson, Virgin Media Business, Ordinance Survey and National Grid ESO build their profiles and reach the right people. As strategic thinker with extensive brand experience, I can help you find clarity in a competitive world that’s become noisier by the day. From consumer electronics to finance, sustainability to telecoms, I help businesses communicate authentically and effectively through thought leadership, marketing, PR and internal communications. Having held multiple senior in-house and agency communication roles, I’m safe pair of hands who can bring both gut experience and a considered approach to any project. My writing has appeared such the Observer, the Financial Times and the Huffington Post.

  • PRO
    I do the words. Usually about science. I’ll take your complex ideas and turn them into words people care about. Words they understand. No jargon. No business bullshit. No cross-vertical innovative solutions and backward synergy overflow. Just words that mean something. Words people remember. You want to be memorable, right? Stand out? Of course you do. Well, I can do that for you. Copy, content, random words or even the occasional scribble – whatever you need. But wait, there’s more! More I tells ya! I can help you think about strategy, how to squeeze the most from your content, how to change the dusty stuff you’ve always done because that’s how you’ve always done it. I’ll give you consulting clout to go along with the words. Copy cred And look, I’ve got credentials: I've been writing since 2011 and sciencing since 2000. I’ve come up with words for for big Pharma, charities and everything in between. I’ve writen for doctors, scientists and patients. I’ve explained stem cells, antibodies and disease, as well as pollution, plastics and proper protocols for the lab. If it’s life-sciencey, I’ve probably written something about it. Things I’ll do I can do ads in fancy journals, donation appeals, serious technical guides, friendly public explainers, tone of voice stuff, hilarious and brilliant blogs, email campaigns that convert, microcopy that matters, social media, internal comms and branding. I like all those things and I’m pretty decent at them to say the least. Things I won’t do Whatever “that” was Meat Loaf wouldn’t do. Oh, and long, boring whitepapers about your paradigm-shifting whatever, the “We’re excited to announce” posts and the content churn just for the sake of it – I don’t do that. I’m here to make you stand out, not sink into the murky marketing depths of crappy copy. Still here, eh? Erm, well, I don’t have any awards or anything to reel off, but I was a finalist in The Majors 2019 Awards for Major Copywriter. Yup, Finalist. That’s almost a winner. So, there’s that.

  • PRO
    Do you need help with words? Whether you're after an engaging blog, a brochure that sells your services in print as well as you do in person, website copy that ticks all the SEO boxes while still sounding human or could do with a hand with any kind of business or customer communication, I can help. With a background as a features writer for newspapers and magazines, I moved into contract publishing where I created copy to tight marketing briefs and helped big international brands win more customers. I was involved with the launch of incentives such as store loyalty cards and member benefit schemes when they were in their infancy and helped high street brands to launch their websites when no one knew what online shopping was. A move into digital marketing was a natural progression, and for the last decade I've been creating website content, blogs, social media marketing plans and helping SMEs create an online presence that works hard for them. I still write print copy and occasionally write the odd feature for customer communications, including advertorials. Here's a handy list that covers my experience: • Website content • Blogs • Digital marketing copy • Sales letters • Straplines and mission statements • E-newsletters • Proposals for sponsorship deals • Quality statements • Brochure copy • Copy for flyers, storm boards and other sales promo materials • Posters • Packaging • Product descriptions • Customer communications • B2B communications • Press releases When I'm not wrangling with words on screen, I mangle them in song! I love singing and perform with a small vocal harmony group in local care homes, community centres, hospitals, hospices and churches (anywhere where anyone will listen, really). Three kids and a passing interest in tennis, cycling and fitness keep me busy – a devotion to caffeine keeps me going. You can catch me on 07973 765 721 if you want to chat about how I might be able to help you grow your business and retain customers.

  • PRO
    Hi. I'm a copywriter with a background in design. I trained as a product designer, then worked in design management, business development and PR for several high profile branding/design consultancies before starting my own freelance copywriting business in 2004. Since then I've worked across a broad range of sectors on all forms of marketing copy as well as scripting videos, ghost-writing articles, and compiling award entries. Having moved South (to Hove!) in October 2017 I'm keen to build more local clients, although I'm often in London, very happy to travel and am used to working remotely.

  • PRO
    I make things easy for ethical and sustainable brands with clever copywriting that excites, inspires and engages action time and time again. I work with ethical and sustainable brands because their mission to find a better way of doing business matters to me. I care deeply about the planet we live on and its people, and it inspires me every day to be working with brands that care too. Brands like Abel & Cole, Nkuku and Neal’s Yard Remedies. Every single one of my clients is a returning customer because I understand the opportunities and challenges they face. I’ve worked in-house for a well-known ethical and sustainable brand and it shows through in the questions I ask, the writing I deliver and my ability to quickly get to the heart of the brief and tell a story that matters.

  • PRO
    Fitness industry specialist copywriter, freelance since 2004.

  • PRO
    Hi, I'm Corinna! I'm a B2B content writer who helps brands show off their unique expertise to customers. I have a knack for making complex ideas simple, memorable, and exciting to read about. SERVICES - Longform articles - Blogposts - SEO content writing - Interviews - Case studies - Ghostwriting - Copyediting - Proofreading

  • PRO
    About - Are you worried that you sound the same as every other business in your field? - Struggling to pin down your brand story, positioning and tone of voice? - Do you need to bring clarity to complex topics to share with your customers or employees? - Is your copy so boring and wordy that even you yawn reading it? Since 2015, I’ve helped businesses in a variety of industries to tell their stories – corporate and product – online and offline. I work with senior leadership, comms and marketing directors and their teams, and frequently collaborate with their external agencies, too. For many of my clients, I’m an extension of their team, supporting them with one-off projects or providing regular content and copy for websites, campaigns, product brochures, corporate brochures and even awards entries (I’m developing quite an impressive track record in that department). Together, we can start from the beginning, doing the ground work to identify exactly what your brand stands for and establishing the tone of voice that will ensure your audiences want to hear what you have to say. Once we’ve established that, I can help you develop a content strategy – and help create the copy – that will turn readers into leads and sales. If you’ve already got your brand and tone of voice sussed, that’s great; it means I can get to work on your content straight away. I understand the challenges and pressures you’re facing because, before undertaking journalism training and becoming a freelance writer, I used to be a marketing and communications manager with responsibility for driving customer engagement, crafting persuasive sales copy and contributing to business growth. When we team up and collaborate – and we have a clear tone of voice to use – we can work on: • your website • e-books • white papers • articles and thought-leadership pieces • adverts and advertorials • annual/sustainability reports • newsletters – internal and external • awards entries • case studies • email campaigns • social media content Where appropriate, I use my journalism skills to support my writing with sound research and interviews with subject matter experts, either from within your business, your customers’ businesses, or from external organisations.

  • PRO
    I have been successfully running my freelance copywriting business, PAC Copywriting, since 2004. With a BA Honours degree in English and Latin, as well as many years' experience in corporate marketing communications, I have come to realise the importance of words and how they can help your business succeed. I have over 25 years' marketing experience across all media. I have written content for websites and videos, compiled brochures, devised promotional messaging for poster campaigns and written blogs. I have also proofed magazine features, created strap lines, edited leaflets and even books, generated press releases and submitted numerous award entries. In short, I can provide a comprehensive range of writing and editing services, to suit virtually any marketing medium.

  • PRO

  • PRO
    First up, let's be clear about our assumptions: I'm going to assume you're doing your *thing* pretty darned well. You might not be the best. Or the most premium. Or the most well-known. But you're not a hot mess and there are real reasons why customers should choose you. If this *isn't* true, close this browser window right now and go fix those things that are holding you back. Because I can't polish a turd. Or maybe I can polish it a bit. But it'll never shine quite like something of a less turdy nature. Like some nice metal. Or a jewel. But if it IS you, and you know that your words could be working harder, then you've come to the right place. So a bit about me... * Having started out at legendary brand agency Wolff Olins, I've worked with loads of big-name brands, across a ton of sectors. * Since going freelance in 2018, I've also helped lots of ambitious, growing businesses talk about what they do in a clear and meaningful way. * I'm versatile and adept at producing high-quality short and long copy, across all kinds of applications. And I can tell a story. * I keep a laser focus on the reader's needs, and will always champion clarity and accessibility. * Coming from a branding background, I know how to find your tone of voice, and can write clear guidelines that help everyone *get* it. * I'm a dream to work with (so say the people who've worked with me). If you're sensible, you'll want to see some work before hiring a copywriter. You'll find mine here: Assuming it leaves you with that warm n fuzzy feeling, please do get in touch. I'd love to talk.

How to hire a copywriter

Hiring a copywriter for the first time can be daunting. We’ve put together this guide to help you hire a copywriter.

Suggested rates

Fair, realistic rates let copywriters do what they do best: capture attention, raise awareness and make sales.

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Member spotlight

young woman with sunglasses on smiling against picturesque waterfallsSarah Vordermeier

“Fill your time and inspiration board with conferences, podcasts and reading. These will always give you confidence, connections with peers and a glimpse of what thought leadership looks like.”

James McCann-Ellerington

“Find out what you like writing about and go all-in.”

Hannah Rose

“I am at my best in the morning, so I try to schedule all creative tasks before lunch. If I’m struggling in the morning, I use the classic strategies of changing where I’m working from, taking a break, or exercising in the hope of a Eureka moment.”

Declan Morton, Copywriter.Declan Morton

“I’ve always enjoyed writing but I didn’t set up on my own account until 2019. At that point I had been teaching for nearly two decades and had become frustrated with the academy trust to which my then school belonged. I took a plunge and set up as a freelance writer.”

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