TAG » copywriting

  1. Direct response copy: why you should go old-schoolA worm's eye view of 4 skyscrapers in Calgary, Canada.

    1 November 2017 by Editor

    Could direct response copywriting help you sharpen your skills? Glenn Fisher thinks so.

  2. The Freelance Files: ‘great! I get to work at home!’A MacBook on a brown sofa with a cushion beside it.

    18 October 2017 by Sanina Kaur

    In the first instalment of The Freelance Files, Sanina Kaur sheds some light on what it’s really like to live life in the freelance lane.

  3. Copywriting Conference 2017 – was it any good?Piles of the packs of idea cards given out at Copywriting Conference 2017

    16 October 2017 by Dawn Kofie

    Dawn Kofie gives us her take on Copywriting Conference 2017.

  4. Cat Roberts-Young — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightCat Roberts-Young, copywriter, in a black and white stripy top.

    9 October 2017 by Cat Roberts-Young

    “Talk to other copywriters, we’re a friendly bunch, and rather than being your competition we’re your greatest allies.”

  5. Why does business writing have to be formal? We’re not robots!BB-8 Robot from the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens moving across a green carpet.

    20 September 2017 by Editor

    Abbie Pullman wants to know why we still get all starchy and buttoned up when it comes to business writing.

  6. Kathy Sharpe — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightKathy Sharpe, Copywriter

    18 September 2017 by Kathy Sharpe

    “I’ve realised that a lot of people don’t actually know what copywriting is. So I suppose it’s our job to bang the drum about how important it can be, and the benefits it can bring!”

  7. Should you have a copywriting niche, or should you generalise?A woodland path.

    13 September 2017 by Gillian Jones

    To specialise, or not to specialise? Gillian Jones shares her experiences and views.

  8. Book review – Business Writing Tips for Easy and Effective ResultsBusiness writing tips for easy and effective results by Robert Bullard

    6 September 2017 by Anna Gunning

    Anna Gunning’s thoughts on Robert Bullard’s collection of “170 punchy tips” for effective business writing.

  9. The seven deadly sins of freelance copywritingA stack of 4 doughnuts with pink icing and hundreds and thousands on top of each one.

    30 August 2017 by Editor

    Andy Nattan’s handy guide to making sure you’re copywriter of virtue.

  10. Sanina Kaur — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightSanina Kaur, copywriter

    28 August 2017 by Sanina Kaur

    “Develop a thick skin and don’t take things too personally if your copy gets
    changed, it’s all part of the process.”

  11. 10 tips to help you write brilliant copy that sellsA hand writing on a blank piece of paper with a green pencil

    23 August 2017 by

    Tips from Timothy Woods to help you make sure your copy does what it’s supposed to.

  12. ProCopywriters: what’s not to like?Aerial shot of a road snaking across a winter landscape.

    16 August 2017 by Editor

    Birgit Diggins shares some of the ways that ProCopywriters has helped her build her copywriting business.
