TAG » copywriting

  1. Book review – Meaningful: The story of ideas that fly

    19 August 2016 by Anna Gunning

    Anna Gunning explores Meaningful, a book that offers a framework for getting to the bottom of what a customer wants.

  2. How I got 600% ROI within weeks of joining PCNhttps://flic.kr/p/biaRHp

    22 June 2016 by Anna Gunning

    How does PCN membership benefit copywriters? Anna Gunning shares her experiences of finding clients and getting support from PCN.

  3. Book review – Dark angels: How writing releases creativity at workBook cover - Dark Angels: How Writing Unleashes Creativity at Work

    3 June 2016 by Anna Gunning

    Anna Gunning reviews John Simmons’ book and discovers how copywriters can remove the shackles that limit our creativity.

  4. Why copywriters must be the customer’s champion

    18 May 2016 by Leif Kendall

    Copywriters have the opportunity to be the customers’ champion, defending them from confusing messaging and empty brand verbiage.

  5. When slogans do what they say on the tin

    18 April 2016 by Kady Potter

    How many of the slogans we know and love can be taken seriously? Kady Potter picks some of the best-known brand straplines and puts them to the test.

  6. Our survey report is out now

    9 March 2016 by Editor

    We’ve published the report of our first survey of the UK copywriting industry.

  7. Why journalists make great copywriters

    30 September 2015 by Editor

    Dave Harland on how training as a journalist gives you the fundamentals to be a top-notch copywriter.

  8. How to write an effective press release

    21 September 2015 by Lorraine Forrest-Turner

    How do you write a good press release? A step-by-step guide by Lorraine Forrest-Turner.

  9. Do you have these 5 traits of a good writer?

    16 September 2015 by Editor

    Chris Kenworthy reflects on the personality traits that good writers share.

  10. “You just don’t understand…” – the copywriter’s torment

    19 August 2015 by Kady Potter

    Kady Potter muses on the struggle to get people to understand what us copywriters do for a living.

  11. Is copywriting dying?

    28 November 2014 by Jackie Barrie

    What’s the best way to communicate the value of copywriting today?

  12. Is copywriting dead, or just changing?

    by Editor

    Smarayda Christoforou invites PCN members to take part in the DMA’s copywriting census.
