TAG » freelancing

  1. Sanina Kaur — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightSanina Kaur, copywriter

    28 August 2017 by Sanina Kaur

    “Develop a thick skin and don’t take things too personally if your copy gets
    changed, it’s all part of the process.”

  2. ProCopywriters: what’s not to like?Aerial shot of a road snaking across a winter landscape.

    16 August 2017 by Editor

    Birgit Diggins shares some of the ways that ProCopywriters has helped her build her copywriting business.

  3. Gillian Jones — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightGillian Jones, copywriter

    14 August 2017 by Gillian Jones

    “Make sure you’re paid what you’re worth. Place a value on what you do, or no one else will.”

  4. Sue Kelso Ryan — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightCopywriter Sue Kelso Ryan

    7 August 2017 by Editor

    “Don’t see other copywriters as the competition; they’re your best source of
    information and advice.”

  5. Why you shouldn’t rely on content mills for long-term workA person standing in the sea looking at the horizon.

    2 August 2017 by Gillian Jones

    Gillian Jones explains why she thinks using content mills isn’t the best way to build your copywriting business.

  6. Lisa Derrick — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightCopywriter Lisa Derrick, and her daschund, standing in front of a blue door.

    31 July 2017 by Editor

    “Take breaks and don’t neglect the things that keep you feeling creative and inspired.”

  7. Can freelancers really work from anywhere?

    26 July 2017 by Editor

    Freelancers can work from wherever they want, right? Given her experiences, Julia Cameron’s not so sure.

  8. Danielle Auld — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightCopywriter Danielle Auld

    24 July 2017 by Danielle Auld

    “Value every contact you make as you never know when they’ll need your skills.”

  9. Making tax digital: the biggest change to freelance tax for a generation

    16 March 2017 by Editor

    As the government plans to transform the tax system, is your business ready for digital accounting?

  10. How freelance copywriters pay for themselves

    9 March 2017 by Editor

    Elise Spicer dissects the reasons why copywriters are great for business.

  11. Black dogs and blue Mondays: freelancing and depression

    28 February 2017 by

    How do you cope with depression when your livelihood relies on you being productive?

  12. How other copywriters can support your freelance businesshttps://unsplash.com/search/pipe?photo=xNdPWGJ6UCQ

    21 February 2017 by Anna Gunning

    Anna Gunning suggests that your fellow copywriters are not just a source of support – they can also connect you to great clients.
