TAG » marketing

  1. Does automating your Twitter account compromise your authenticity?

    3 March 2020 by Anna Metcalfe

    Anna Metcalfe decided to give a Twitter automation tool a go. Here’s what happened.

  2. Trust-based marketing in the era of fake news

    6 February 2020 by Louise Shanahan

    Louise Shanahan’s suggestions for showing that marketing and honesty aren’t mutually exclusive.

  3. Getting Ramadan ready: planning your biggest marketing campaign of the year

    5 February 2020 by Editor

    It’s not too soon to start thinking about your Ramadan marketing campaign. Louise Butt summarises what you need to do and when.

  4. 4 ways to write marketing copy that stands the test of time

    14 January 2020 by Collective Content

    Collective Content’s guide to future-proofing your content

  5. Email marketing: strategies for improving open and click-through rates

    30 May 2019 by Leif Kendall

    How can you get more people to open your emails – and click the links inside?

  6. Stephen Marsh — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight RevistedPortrait of Stephen Marsh, copywriter.

    15 August 2018 by Stephen Marsh

    “I think success comes in all shapes and sizes, and you sometimes have to stop and recognize the smaller achievements.”

  7. A no-hoper’s guide to LinkedInA 'wrong way' road sign.

    6 August 2018 by Editor

    John Espirian’s unorthodox guide to making the most of LinkedIn.

  8. Is One Minute Briefs better than a CV?The number one in white, with a thin, white circle around it, on a bright red background.

    16 July 2018 by Editor

    Clare Jennings on how to show off your skills without the aid of a portfolio.

  9. The 3 most important things I’ve learned about networking

    13 June 2018 by Editor

    Networking events don’t need to be time-wasting cringe fests. Helen Say shows how to get the most out of them.

  10. Why is branding important for freelance copywriters?

    30 November 2017 by Leif Kendall

    Leif Kendall suggests that branding can give you a head start when it comes to finding clients you love.

  11. 6 email lists I actually read (and recommend to you)

    8 December 2016 by Anna Gunning

    Anna Gunning shares her favourite email newsletters for copywriters.

  12. How to find freelance work in a hurry

    15 September 2016 by Leif Kendall

    When the phone stops ringing and your inbox empties – how can you drum up work in a hurry?
