TAG » proofreading

  1. 5 reasons why error-free work is vital

    6 September 2022 by Alison Harmer

    Alison Harmer outlines some of the ways that mistake-ridden content can damage your business

  2. Getting clear: rewriting v. editing v. proofreading

    7 May 2020 by Patricia Lane

    Rewriting, editing and proofreading. What’s the difference? Patricia Lane explains.

  3. Sue Kelso Ryan — ProCopywriters Member SpotlightCopywriter Sue Kelso Ryan

    7 August 2017 by Editor

    “Don’t see other copywriters as the competition; they’re your best source of
    information and advice.”

  4. How to avoid ‘conjunctionitis’

    13 April 2015 by Editor

    Confused by conjunctions? Geraldine Jones sets the record straight on how to use and not abuse them.
