TAG » self-employment

  1. Give away your clever to win businessBeautifully wrapped gift

    27 June 2023 by Tiffany Markman

    If you want your content marketing to pay off in meaningful ways, it must share value, with no expectation of reciprocity.

  2. Find your why (not)

    28 July 2021 by Jo Watson

    Jo Watson’s a vote for less ‘find your why’ and more ‘you do you’.

  3. Balancing motherhood with self-employmentMother on a beach with her baby

    20 June 2019 by Editor

    Yvette Lamb shares her experiences of juggling the demands that come with being a mother and a freelancer.

  4. How to get a mortgage when you’re self-employedThe words "until debt tear us apart" stencilled on a brick wall in black capital letters.

    10 October 2018 by André Spiteri

    Andre Spiteri’s helpful summary of the dos and don’ts of applying for a mortgage when you work for yourself.

  5. Going it alone: ten top tips for starting out as a freelancerWoman holding a cream-coloured mug that says 'The Adventure Begins' in front of her chest.

    29 January 2018 by Mary Whitehouse

    Mary Whitehouse’s guide to kick-starting your freelance copywriting career.

  6. Black dogs and blue Mondays: freelancing and depression

    28 February 2017 by

    How do you cope with depression when your livelihood relies on you being productive?
