Hi, I’m Leif Kendall, and I’m thrilled to be taking over as the Director of this fine organisation. One of the most exciting details about this change of management is that the organisation is going to be maintained and developed by a team of members. By sharing the work I believe we can help PCN to grow and do even more to support copywriters of all shapes and sizes.
Meet the new PCN team
The Professional Copywriters’ Network is now managed by an impressive team of copywriters:
- Anna Gunning
- Benjamin Lloyd
- Chris Alden
- Jack Barclay
- Jane Shepley
- Joanna Brown
- Kady Potter
- Louise Sparke
- Peter Rylands
- Rebecca Nichol
What does the future hold for PCN?
We’re planning to continue with more of the same. You can expect more:
- Advice on copywriting and freelancing
- Articles exploring the agency side of copywriting
- Activity in the forum
- Practical support
- Links with external partners, like universities, corporations and other associations
- Support for our copywriting cousins, including content strategists and content agencies
- Effort to make the ‘Find a copywriter’ function even more useful for you and potential clients
You can help!
PCN relies on the efforts and contributions of our members. By sharing your knowledge and your experiences you can help other copywriters to develop their careers. You can help in many ways:
- Tell your colleagues about PCN
- Write a blog post for PCN
- Let PCN re-publish one of your blog posts
- Join the PCN committee and get involved with the management and development of our organisation.
Got a suggestion?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on PCN. Leave a comment below – or you can reach us on Twitter.
Who am I?
I’m a freelance copywriter. I love writing for a living. And I love being freelance. Outside of work, I’m usually busy with my family (including a 6-month old baby!). I also write fiction but lately I haven’t had much time for the novel (baby).
Why am I taking on the PCN?
I have a few reasons for believing that we need the PCN:
- Copywriters need more cooperation in a world in which we’re often competing
- Copywriters need support when starting out, or struggling, or just trying to avoid pitfalls
- Copywriters need a voice that will raise the profile of our craft.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Thanks for reading – and thanks for supporting the Professional Copywriters’ Network.
1st April 2016
Doug Kessler
Thanks for taking this on, guys and best of luck!
I’m sure it will be great.
1st April 2016
John Espirian
This is fantastic news. I was saddened to hear that the PCN was set to close, so I’m really pleased to see that you’ve put together a team to help you steer the ship. I’d also like to put on record my thanks to Tom, Ben and Jo for helping us get to where we are now – a truly impressive effort all round.
I manage the thriving members-only forum at the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. It would be great to see usage of the PCN forum increase; I think it’s an underused resource at the moment.
Again, great news.
1st April 2016
Honor Clement-Hayes
Amazing to hear and that’s a great team you’ve got there.
Thank you!
1st April 2016
Andy Nattan
Superb news, and that’s a bloody good list of talent right there.
Here’s looking forward to a bright future!
1st April 2016
Gillian Jones
Fantastic. I’m glad that PCN will still be here as I’ve had lots of support from them over the years. Brilliant news. I’m here if you need any extra help!
Tom, Joanne and Ben have been so supportive to me and I know that it has introduced me to so many other great copywriters who’ve always offered support and advice when I’ve needed it.
I will definitely be happy to continue promoting PCN and making sure everyone knows how great it is.
1st April 2016
Karen Bright
Great stuff. I was saddened to hear about the closure of the PCN. I’m currently on maternity leave and was looking forward to getting involved on my return to copywriting. Have really enjoyed the PCN updates on Twitter during the sleepless nights with my baby! So, this is really good news.
Thanks to Ben, Tom and Jo for all their hard work and good luck to Leif and the new mgt team.
2nd April 2016
Eileen MacCallum
Good news! Delighted it wasn’t an April Fool. All the best Leif and team.
3rd April 2016
Michael Birchmore
Terrific news. I only decided that copywriting was the way to live off writing at the beginning of the year so when I found the PCN reckoned it was going to be a good move. Was gutted when I heard it was closing.
Now it is worth me spending time finding out what I can offer this site and our profession.
5th April 2016
Louise Crooks
This is fabulous news! A huge thanks to everybody. Whoooop *high fives*
6th April 2016
Graeme Piper
Excellent news Leif and all the team. Glad this journey isn’t ending. Big props for continuing!
11th April 2016
maria qibtiah
it’s a great news. well, I’m a newbie in copywriting world, so I think it’ll be helping me a lot
18th April 2016
Peter Rylands
Really excited to be on board! Can’t wait to get started.