
A PCN progress report

Four months after taking over at PCN, I want to share a progress report, and also talk about our to-do list for PCN.

What have we achieved since April?

In no particular order, we have:

  • Formed a committee of editors and contributors
  • Continued posting content on our blog
  • Refreshed parts of the PCN website
  • Improved the appearance and functionality of our member profile pages and copywriter directory
  • Sent thousands of newsletters
  • Answered calls and emails from copywriters with questions
  • Invested your membership fees into creating a more stable and useful website

What can you expect from PCN in the coming months and years?

There are tonnes of things we want to do, but as we’re a volunteer force we have to prioritise. Our to-do list includes:

  • Creating a new job board
  • Changing our payment system (PayPal causes endless headaches for everyone)
  • Resuming our conference

Thanks to you – and the PCN committee…

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with PCN during the transition, and to everyone who has joined in recent months. We’re delighted to have you and look forward to supporting your career.

And an extra-special massive thanks to the members of the PCN committee. PCN wouldn’t exist without you! (You can learn more about our committee on the About PCN page)

What do you want from PCN?

PCN is your professional association. So what would you like us to offer? Are there any aspects of your professional life that we can support? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

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