Membership fees are going up on 1 June.
Basic membership will become £4 per month.
Pro membership will be £60 per year.
Existing members – your fees will not change
The good news is that we are not changing rates for existing members. If you are already a Basic or Pro PCN member, then you will continue paying the same rate that you pay now.
Why are we increasing fees?
This group was started in 2012, by two freelance copywriters, with the aim of helping commercial writers by sharing advice, championing our skills and pushing for better rates of pay. PCN is now managed by a different freelance copywriter, with the support of a volunteer committee of copywriters. PCN still relies on a great deal of volunteer effort to manage the website, publish articles, respond to member queries, produce our annual survey, manage our social media and organise our conference. For PCN to be sustainable and secure, it must be able to cover these costs.
Our ambition is to develop PCN into a complete professional association. The money we receive from members funds these initiatives.
We also believe that PCN membership is worth the cost of these new rates. If you want to know what PCN can do for you, please read How to use PCN
Register – or upgrade – now
Remember, the membership fee rise only affects people who register on or after 1 June. So if you want to lock-down the lower rate, register now.