
ProCopywriters: what’s not to like?

When I started writing a personal blog and later, in 2012, a blog for our family business, I was still a corporate girl, so spending Monday to Friday in concrete boxes (aka offices) was normal.

Little did I know that it was the beginning of what I sometimes describe as the awakening of the entrepreneur, and re-awakening of the writer, in me.

Although I clearly enjoyed my new side hustle more and more, letting go of 15 years in a corporate career was not going to be easy or happen overnight. So it wasn’t until 2016 that I officially launched my own copywriting business.

The joy I was taking in copywriting, editing and designing content strategies was soon to be joined by challenges like: pricing my services, finding work and dealing with clients, running a business and building a brand. All at the same time as delivering work to clients and, of course, dealing with fears of not being good enough.

Luckily, I came across ProCopywriters, joined as a pro member and never looked back.

Here are a few of the ways that my ProCopywriters membership has benefitted my copywriting career. It has helped me:

Raise my profile

Displaying the ProCopywriters logo on my website makes for a great first impression and overall professional look. I’ve also taken up the opportunity to guest blog and got some great engagement and valuable publicity from it. And ProCopwriters kindly spread the word about my post on social media.

Improve my reach and visibility

ProCopywriters’ online footprint is considerable and, on Twitter alone, there are potentially over 6500 readers of my guest posts.

Its strong online authority also means top search engine rankings for ProCopywriters’ web content, which – importantly for us freelancers  – includes the UK Copywriters Directory.

Grow my business (even internationally!)

I’ve already had at least three leads from my ProCopywriters directory profile, two of which turned into clients. One contact’s based in America, one in Spain and one here in the UK. So ProCopywriters has provided me with a stepping stone to expand my business internationally.

Develop my skills

ProCopywriters’ resources and guidelines are exceptional, and the blog is packed with real experiences shared by real copywriters. These are extremely useful and not just to build skills, but confidence too. I found a member on the forum who even volunteered his time to do some one-to- one (email) mentoring.

Widen my network

Whether online or offline, ProCopywriters offers plenty of opportunities to network with fellow copywriters.

Personally, I’ve found the online forum a useful way to make connections, I occasionally engage via social media and my physical networking debut was at #copywritersunite London.

These are just some of the fruits I’ve been reaping from my ProCopywriters membership, and some of the resources I’ve been trying.

With conferences, workshops, discounts, a mentoring programme and member spotlight interviews I know there are many more member benefits yet to be explored.

Thanks, ProCopywriters!

‘Re-awaken’ was the word I used earlier to describe the beginning of my professional copywriting journey . It was a quote from a blog post by Chris Kenworthy on the ProCopywriters website, “You know you’re a writer when expressing yourself in the written form is an all-consuming urge” that made me realise that there has in fact always been a writer in me.

Whether it was when I was growing up and going to school and university in Austria, or whether it’s now that I have been living in the UK for 17 years. I just never thought of writing as a viable career.

Today, not only have I made a truly enjoyable and well-paid career out of writing, I believe that it’s one of the most powerful resources we have to drive positive change in our world. So powerful in fact that I called my business Power-Words.

I am very grateful for all the work that ProCopywriters do to promote and elevate the copywriting profession. And with their advice, resources and a community that’s enthusiastic about what they do for a living by my side, I totally believe that I can continue to develop my skills and business as a professional copywriter – even if it’s in English which is not my first language.

Newbie or pro, I can only recommend ProCopywriters to any copywriter.

Connect with me over at Power-Words, on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

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