
Sanina Kaur — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

Sanina Kaur

SK Copy Co

Why did you choose a career in copywriting and how did you get into it?

I’m trained to write and have always been a writer. I first started out as a reporter at the age of 17 and worked in journalism for six years. After leaving journalism, I was fortunate enough to work in communications and PR roles that involved an element of writing.

However, since leaving journalism, I never thought I’d be able to have a job again where I’d be able to write all day, every day, until I discovered copywriting. My first copywriting role was for an integrated marketing agency.

What work are you most proud of?

There are lots of pieces of work I’ve produced over the years that I’ve been proud of, but if we’re talking about more recent projects, then I’d have to say a brand new staff magazine I’ve just worked on for the Co-op.

Not only did I write all of the articles, I was also involved in helping shape the content. The end product looks absolutely fantastic and has attracted lots of positive feedback from staff. I’m really looking forward to building on what we’ve achieved with the first magazine in future editions.

What do you do if you hit a bit of writer’s block?

I take a break from my screen and go and make myself a drink or go for a short walk. Sometimes, if I’m really struggling with something, and my schedule allows it, I may ‘park’ the piece of work until the next day, which gives me a bit more time to mull it over in the back of my mind.

I’ve also found that overthinking what I’m going to write before I even start typing can actually give me writer’s block. That’s why I don’t try to think too much about a project before I’ve started to work on it.

What are your favourite and least favourite writing-related tasks?

I really enjoy proof-reading (I think that stems from my editor days when I used to proof pages-upon-pages of news) and writing websites, blogs and, of course, news stories and features. I also love getting stuck into workflows too.

In fact, I enjoy all of the projects I’m tasked with, as I’m grateful to my clients for providing me with them, and I’m doing what I love and have always loved doing since the age of 17, and that’s writing.

Any copywriting pet hates?

When people say ‘I’ve got a job for you, it’ll only take you ten minutes’ (when if you’re going to do a good job, in reality it most probably won’t!). Or if you get asked to provide a quote and then you’re asked to reduce it, even though it’s already as tight as it can be and reducing it will compromise the quality!

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve been given?

I can’t put my finger on a specific piece of career advice right now however, my philosophy is, if you want something, then you have to be prepared to work for it. Remain focused, work hard and your efforts will pay off. It may not be right away, but if you truly want something in life and you’re prepared to keep learning and work for it, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to achieve it.

What advice would you give to people starting out in a copywriting career?

Be prepared to keep learning and always keep reading. Take the time to reflect on your work and always give 100 per cent, whether you’re writing a 100-word news story or 36-page brochure.

Create a shortlist of your favourite writers and follow what they do and try to learn from them, wherever possible. Also, develop a thick skin and don’t take things too personally if your copy gets changed, it’s all part of the process.

Why do you find ProCopywriters membership useful?

From a business perspective, it helps demonstrate to my clients, and potential clients, that I’m a professional within my field. From a practical perspective, being a member provides me with access to useful insights and resources, as well as the chance to refer work to, and contact, fellow copywriters.

Where can people find out more about you?

They can either visit or contact me on or 07810 636 748.

You’ll also find me on:

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Twitter – @ImSaninaKaur

Facebook –

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