
Help us create a copywriter job description

Can you help us create a description of the copywriter’s role?

We would love your input on our new initiative to define the job of the copywriter.

To get us started, we’ve drafted an outline of what a copywriter does, and now we would like your feedback.

Before you view the Google Doc and start commenting, you should know what we’re trying to achieve…

What’s the point?

We’ve been working on creating a Copywriter Code (a code of conduct for commercial writers), and would like to support that document with a foundation that defines our terms.

To create a code of conduct, we should first define the professionals that our code covers.

Defining the job description of a copywriter can also help us with future initiatives like:

  • Describing the core skills that a copywriter should have
  • Creating an accreditation scheme
  • Building a syllabus for copywriting as a subject


How can you contribute?

You can open the Google Doc and start adding comments

Your feedback might cover:

  • key points that we’ve missed
  • inclusions you don’t agree with
  • the clarity and/or structure of the document

Limitations of the copywriter job description

The copywriter job description is a generic, general description of ‘copywriter’ as a job, rather than a specific job description for use in a recruitment process.

Copywriting is a broad profession with individuals working in wildly different settings, industries, functions and sectors, so inevitably our copywriter job description won’t completely capture the experience of every professional.

With our caveats out of the way, we can now invite you to read and comment on our Google Doc:

Copywriter Job Description (opens Google Docs)


Cover image courtesy of Paper Textures on Unsplash

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