
Read the 2020 ProCopywriters Survey Report

What can you learn from 640 copywriters?

What lessons can be gleaned from their accumulated 7,106 years of experience?

You can now read the full report from our 2020 survey and see for yourself.

This comprehensive survey is our fifth annual survey, and the results are consistent with previous years – apart from the jump in day rates.

Of course, this survey was conducted before coronavirus emerged and lockdown was a word in our vocabulary, so it doesn’t reflect any of the economic carnage that we’ve endured since then.

We’ll have to wait until 2021 to see how much coronavirus has affected copywriters.

Key findings include:

  • A leap in average day rates
  • Gender pay gap shifting (but still significant)
  • More copywriters are seeking training

The 2021 survey will take place throughout January of next year. I hope you’ll lend your time once again to help us produce such a complete view of our profession.

Thanks to everyone who completed this survey, and to:

Jo Robertson for crunching the numbers and proofreading

Anna Gunning for writing the report

Anna Patience for designing the report

What do you think of this survey?

What are we missing? What could we do better? Let us know in the comments below.

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