
Jo Martin – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

Jo Martin

The Grammar Mamma

Why did you choose a career in copywriting and how did you get into it?

I’d always loved writing and was told I had a flair for it. I did my degree in Journalism, and my first “proper” job was as a journalist on a health & safety magazine (not that my mum would call it a proper job 🙄). I fell into copywriting from there, really.

After I was made redundant from the magazine, I worked in internal communications for 4 years, and then I became a copywriter for a car insurance company.

I set up the Grammar Mamma as a side hustle during my maternity leave, because I wanted a hobby. Then, when I took redundancy from that job in 2022, I decided to give freelancing a go properly.

What work are you most proud of?

I love seeing my work out in the world. One of my first gigs as a freelancer was writing social media captions for a parenting app. Knowing my work was being seen by some of its 300,000 followers and seeing them engage with it, was a great feeling.

What piece of copy do you really wish you’d written?

I’m rubbish at coming up with clever puns. So when I see a great pun or play on words, it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. And I doff my imaginary cap in admiration.

What do you do if you hit a bit of writer’s block?

I take a break and try to get outside for some fresh air. I find stepping away and doing something else helps my creativity. Forcing it can be detrimental, so I tend to just wait for inspiration to strike, which usually happens at the most inconvenient times – like when I’m in the shower or trying to get to sleep.

What are your favourite and least favourite writing-related tasks?

My favourite is getting stuck into a writing project. When the creative juices are flowing, I’m in my comfort zone and love to just let the words flow.

My least favourite is writing catchy headlines. It goes back to not being very good at puns. I can never think of anything good when the pressure’s on. It’s like when my daughter asks me to tell her a joke, my mind goes blank.

I have one go-to joke, which she doesn’t even find funny:

Q. Why can’t canaries take headache tablets?

A. Because the parrots eat ‘em all!

Any copywriting pet hates?

Misplaced apostrophes. I see them all the time in copy – even the big brands do it – and it makes me die a little inside each time.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever been given?

Charge your worth. When I first started freelancing, I had a call with a fellow freelance copywriter, and I told her about my experience. Then she asked what I was charging. Because I’d only just started out, I didn’t feel confident charging the same as someone who’d been freelancing for years. But she made me realise that I had plenty of experience and could absolutely charge the same, if not more, as people who’d been freelancing much longer.

What advice would you give to people starting out on a copywriting career?

Trust your gut. It’s very easy to try and be something for everyone and say yes to everything so you can build up your portfolio and get exposure. But if something doesn’t feel right and you feel like you may be taken advantage of, listen to those voices and politely decline.

Why do you find ProCopywriters membership useful?

I joined ProCopywriters because of CopyCon. I was just starting out as a freelancer and I wanted to network with fellow copywriters and learn from the best. To be in the same room as people I’d followed and admired for ages, was amazing. And the day-to-day community is great, especially the workshops.

Where can people find out more about you?

All my social profiles and the link to my website can be found here:

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