
6 email lists I actually read (and recommend to you)

Anna Gunning

Gunning Marketing

My inbox is an extension of my to-do list. But because I get a bit obsessive about organisation (a common trait among copywriters, if my network is anything to go by), I get stressed if my inbox is too full.

And that means I’m pernickety about the mailing lists I sign up to. There are so many worthy copywriters, marketers and business people offering insight that will help me, but there are only so many hours in the day (lots of which I need to spend on client work).

So here’s the list of people I allow into the hallowed digital walls of my inbox. The list of people I haven’t unsubscribed from after signing up in a burst of enthusiasm. The people I read and listen to, and who help shape my professional development and the service I offer.

  1. Joanna Wiebe and co at Copy Hackers

Copy Hackers writes well-researched, well-written emails and blog posts on conversion copywriting. I’ve signed up (and attended) free webinars as well, and have always learned something practical.

  1. Dave Collins at Software Promotions

Dave is a straight-talking SEO expert who writes The Google Demystifier (when you go to the site, you get an exit pop-up to sign up). His weekly tips are perfect for me – not too technical and easy to implement.

  1. Drayton Bird

Commonsense Direct & Digital Marketing and How to Write Sales Letters that Sell were both formative copywriting texts for me. And meeting (and hearing) him at Copy Cabana in September was a highlight.

So many of his emails go straight to my swipe file because they’re a masterclass in various persuasive techniques.

  1. Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You to Be Rich

These aren’t copywriting or marketing tips per se, but they’re another masterclass in email copywriting (with an incontrovertible case for having a distinctive and conversational style). If anyone tries to tell you long-form writing doesn’t work in a digital age, forward them a couple of Ramit’s emails.

  1. Henneke Duistermaat at Enchanting Marketing

Henneke has a whimsical style, and her lists and templates help me inject creativity into my writing. (Plus she’s a talented sketch artist who makes her own blog images.)

  1. Hot Copy Podcast by Belinda Weaver & Kate Toon

Kate and Belinda are freelance copywriters who record a monthly podcast covering topics related to the profession. Like how to set your prices. Or how to use formatting to create more impactful copy. Or how to manage clients. They have compelling chemistry, and you feel like part of a friendly copywriting club sharing insider tips.

That’s my list – who do you let into your inbox (and recommend to the rest of us)?

Connect with me over at Gunning Marketing, on Twitter and on LinkedIn.


17th January 2017

Sarah Townsend

Precisely this: “But because I get a bit obsessive about organisation (a common trait among copywriters, if my network is anything to go by), I get stressed if my inbox is too full.” Great post, Anna – thank you 🙂

17th January 2017

Anna Gunning

Thanks, Sarah!

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