Blog Main Feature

30 Mar 2022

Copywriting training: learning from ProCopywriters

A collection of copywriting learning and development resources from ProCopywriters – ideal for solo copywriters, copywriting teams and agencies.

digital diagnostic
26 Sep 2020

Digital Diagnostic: the mistakes that could harm your campaigns

The beauty of digital marketing is that nothing is ever predictable. Campaigns could sink or swim, based on anything from poor targeting to unfortunate timing. In our upcoming Digital Diagnostic […]

07 Sep 2020

Join the Show and Tell session at CopyCon 2020

Pop along to listen and watch – or propose something you would like to share.

17 Aug 2020

CopyCon Scholarship Scheme – Apply Now

Apply for a free ticket to the Copywriting Conference or one of the training days.

10 Aug 2020

What do freelance copywriters charge in 2020?

Discover what copywriters are charging in 2020. Data taken from a comprehensive survey of 640 commercial writers serving the UK market.

31 Jul 2020

Read the 2020 ProCopywriters Survey Report

Read the results of our survey of 640 copywriters. Free to download.

28 May 2019

6 of the best… Copywriting HACKS!

You don’t need a copywriter. You just need some big words, obscure jargon and access to Spell Cheque. So says Jo Watson.

27 Jul 2018

Dangerous words: how copywriters can avoid getting sued

Sarah Adams of PolicyBee explores some of the legal risks that copywriters can face.

21 Feb 2018

Copywriting Conference returns to London

Announcing the return of our one-day event for everyone who works with words.

02 Jan 2018

Copywriting survey 2018 – have your say

Complete the ProCopywriters survey before 31 January 2018.

30 Nov 2017

Why is branding important for freelance copywriters?

Leif Kendall suggests that branding can give you a head start when it comes to finding clients you love.

A close up of a clapperboard
22 Nov 2017

Copywriter? Or actor?

How do you capture the right voice in your copy? Rebecca Nicholl suggests taking inspiration from the acting world.

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Every month we get an expert, an author or a professional trainer to deliver a one-hour presentation on copywriting, marketing or digital media.

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