Blog Main Feature

A hand with the forefinger pointing to the right, the thumb pointing upwards and the other 3 fingers curled into the palm
15 Nov 2017

The essential checklist for writing call to actions that convert

Not sure how to create effective call to actions? Sanina Kaur explains how.

A worm's eye view of 4 skyscrapers in Calgary, Canada.
01 Nov 2017

Direct response copy: why you should go old-school

Could direct response copywriting help you sharpen your skills? Glenn Fisher thinks so.

Hands holding a notepad and pen
25 Oct 2017

Want a copywriting job? Here’s what I look for

Rebecca Nicholl’s quick guide to applying for copywriting jobs.

Piles of the packs of idea cards given out at Copywriting Conference 2017
16 Oct 2017

Copywriting Conference 2017 – was it any good?

Dawn Kofie gives us her take on Copywriting Conference 2017.

Piles of gold coins next to a white piggy bank
27 Sep 2017

Don’t be a starving writer. Steer clear of the mills

Ever wondered how much you’d have to work to make ends meet writing for content mills? Andrew Nattan’s worked it out.

BB-8 Robot from the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens moving across a green carpet.
20 Sep 2017

Why does business writing have to be formal? We’re not robots!

Abbie Pullman wants to know why we still get all starchy and buttoned up when it comes to business writing.

A woodland path.
13 Sep 2017

Should you have a copywriting niche, or should you generalise?

To specialise, or not to specialise? Gillian Jones shares her experiences and views.

Business writing tips for easy and effective results by Robert Bullard
06 Sep 2017

Book review – Business Writing Tips for Easy and Effective Results

Anna Gunning’s thoughts on Robert Bullard’s collection of “170 punchy tips” for effective business writing.

A stack of 4 doughnuts with pink icing and hundreds and thousands on top of each one.
30 Aug 2017

The seven deadly sins of freelance copywriting

Andy Nattan’s handy guide to making sure you’re copywriter of virtue.

A hand writing on a blank piece of paper with a green pencil
23 Aug 2017

10 tips to help you write brilliant copy that sells

Tips from Timothy Woods to help you make sure your copy does what it’s supposed to.

Aerial shot of a road snaking across a winter landscape.
16 Aug 2017

ProCopywriters: what’s not to like?

Birgit Diggins shares some of the ways that ProCopywriters has helped her build her copywriting business.

A person standing in the sea looking at the horizon.
02 Aug 2017

Why you shouldn’t rely on content mills for long-term work

Gillian Jones explains why she thinks using content mills isn’t the best way to build your copywriting business.

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