Copywriting technique

28 Apr 2021

How to find out what content your customers really want to read

Konrad Sanders’ guide to creating content based on demand, not assumptions

14 Apr 2021

Top 5 tips to make your ‘technical’ writing more engaging

Think writing about specialized topics is impenetrable and dull? It doesn’t have to be says Chris Nairne.

18 Mar 2021

The 3 things I need to know before I’ll even think about signing up to your email list

Dawn Kofie isn’t convinced that when it comes to getting sign-ups to your email newsletter, being direct is enough on its own.

17 Mar 2021

Why clarity may not always be the answer

James Gillam examines the problem with clear, but nuance-free, messages.

09 Mar 2021

How talking less about your business means more business

Richard King explains wny making your copy less ‘me, me, me’ is better for your business.

27 Jan 2021

What is greenwashing and how do you avoid it?

Don’t pretend you’re making every effort to make your products and services environmentally friendly if that’s not true, says Sally Fox.

05 Jan 2021

3 great copywriting quotes (and what they mean)

Anna Metcalfe expands on some words of copywriting wisdom.

24 Nov 2020

Lorem ipsum is dead. Hallelujah!

Yael Ben-David explains why she’s overjoyed that the industry-standard placeholder text is (finally) on its way out.

11 Nov 2020

How to write a killer About Us page

Sally Fox explains what you should include in (and leave out of) your about page to make it worth reading.

10 Nov 2020

The art of slow copywriting

Chris Guiton advocates for a leisurely, and more mindful, approach to creating copy.

27 Oct 2020

Do you speak ‘customer’?

Mike Garner’s tips on how to write in a way that your audience understands.

29 Sep 2020

4 ways to use ‘nudge theory’โ€‹ to make your copy more persuasive

Louise Shanahan explains how to make subtle tweaks to your copy to make your customers take action.

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