
13 Jan 2021

10 of the best start out tips for freelance copywriters

Just started out as a freelance copywriter? Alexandra Crossley summarises what you need to know

06 Jan 2021

Tips for new freelancers — what I’ve learnt so far

Lucy Roberts’ advice for new freelancers

03 Dec 2020

How to beat loneliness as a freelancer

Working for yourself can mean saying goodbye to office banter and regular social interaction. Lorna McGachie shares some ways to help make sure you don’t feel isolated.

18 Nov 2020

How to juggle your full-time job with your freelance career

Lorna McGachie’s take on how to balance freelancing with a full-time job.

28 Oct 2020

Is business coaching right for you?

Katie Thompson’s views on whether business coaches are worth your time and money.

23 Sep 2020

These people will be nightmare clients, guaranteed

Mark Garner’s advice on how to avoid clients who’ll make your life a misery.

18 Aug 2020

You need to up your value game to win new clients

Helen Say on the power of showing clients how working with a copywriter can benefit their business.

22 Jul 2020

6 steps to simplify your life and be a better freelance writer

Jonathan Wilcock’s 6 painless ways make your (copywriting) life easier.

18 Jun 2020

Am I better off as a sole trader or limited company?

Libby Marks lays out the pros and cons of being a sole trader vs setting up a limited company.

Getting referrals
14 May 2020

Boost your client list through referrals

You want your clients to mention your name when copywriting comes up. Sally Ormond shares her ideas about how to make that happen.

26 Mar 2020

How to be a successful freelance copywriter without running yourself ragged

Sarah Townsend shares some tips for preventing overwhelm, exhaustion and stress.

24 Mar 2020

If you really must hire a freelancer

Want to get the best out of your copywriter but not sure how? Jo Watson explains.

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