
Hands holding a notepad and pen
25 Oct 2017

Want a copywriting job? Here’s what I look for

Rebecca Nicholl’s quick guide to applying for copywriting jobs.

Piles of gold coins next to a white piggy bank
27 Sep 2017

Don’t be a starving writer. Steer clear of the mills

Ever wondered how much you’d have to work to make ends meet writing for content mills? Andrew Nattan’s worked it out.

A woodland path.
13 Sep 2017

Should you have a copywriting niche, or should you generalise?

To specialise, or not to specialise? Gillian Jones shares her experiences and views.

A stack of 4 doughnuts with pink icing and hundreds and thousands on top of each one.
30 Aug 2017

The seven deadly sins of freelance copywriting

Andy Nattan’s handy guide to making sure you’re copywriter of virtue.

A person standing in the sea looking at the horizon.
02 Aug 2017

Why you shouldn’t rely on content mills for long-term work

Gillian Jones explains why she thinks using content mills isn’t the best way to build your copywriting business.

26 Jul 2017

Can freelancers really work from anywhere?

Freelancers can work from wherever they want, right? Given her experiences, Julia Cameron’s not so sure.

16 May 2017

Why are female copywriters paid 29% less than men?

Want to earn more and work less? Andy Maslen has a few suggestions for you.

26 Apr 2017

How can we shrink the gender pay gap in copywriting?

With male copywriters earning, on average, 29% more than women, we ask what can be done to shrink the gender pay gap.

07 Apr 2017

Are you freelance for tax reasons?

Catherine Every wants to know why freelance copywriters go freelance. Was the tax regime a driving force for you?

16 Mar 2017

Making tax digital: the biggest change to freelance tax for a generation

As the government plans to transform the tax system, is your business ready for digital accounting?

09 Mar 2017

How freelance copywriters pay for themselves

Elise Spicer dissects the reasons why copywriters are great for business.

28 Feb 2017

Black dogs and blue Mondays: freelancing and depression

How do you cope with depression when your livelihood relies on you being productive?

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