
23 Mar 2021
Ghosting freelancers: it’s not scary, just rude
If you’ve decided you don’t want to work with me, at least have the decency to tell me, says Dee Primett

18 Mar 2021
The 3 things I need to know before I’ll even think about signing up to your email list
Dawn Kofie isn’t convinced that when it comes to getting sign-ups to your email newsletter, being direct is enough on its own.

17 Mar 2021
Why clarity may not always be the answer
James Gillam examines the problem with clear, but nuance-free, messages.

16 Mar 2021
Networking tips for freelance introverts
Lily Karenza suggests ways that self-employed introverts can take the pain out of making contacts and building business relationships.

10 Mar 2021
Why you shouldn’t write (just) for SEO
Francesca Baker on why you should write for humans AND search engines.

09 Mar 2021
How talking less about your business means more business
Richard King explains wny making your copy less ‘me, me, me’ is better for your business.

03 Mar 2021
How to use blogs to increase conversions in your sales funnel
Alice Hollis explains how using blogging can help at every stage of the sales cycle.

23 Feb 2021
Why we must stop pandering to the algorithm
Katie Thompson delves the dark side of algorithms.

22 Feb 2021
To niche or not to niche: a #ProCopyChat roundup
Specialist or generalist? Which is better? Andre Spiteri summarises some of the main issues in the niching debate.

16 Feb 2021
Should gender matter when it comes to assigning copywriting briefs? Laura Glover doesn’t think so.

09 Feb 2021
How do copywriters decide on their fees and pricing models?
Sarah Monaghan demystifies copywriting fees.

03 Feb 2021
In defence of tiny email lists
Louise Shanahan on why there’s nothing wrong with a small, but beautifully formed, email list.
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