
11 Jun 2020

Copywriters: is app fatigue getting you down?

Fed up of switching between apps and tools like Skype, Zoom, Asana, Basecamp and Dropbox? Thora Fitzpatrick suggests some ways to reduce overwhelm from online collaboration tools.

26 May 2020

Copy-wise: beware of too many, too few or misplaced commas

Collective Content’s quick guide to how to use commas properly

21 May 2020

Why good copywriters ask ‘why?’ a lot

Anna Metcalfe sheds some light on the thinking behind a question that’s dear to copywriters’ hearts

Getting referrals
14 May 2020

Boost your client list through referrals

You want your clients to mention your name when copywriting comes up. Sally Ormond shares her ideas about how to make that happen.

12 May 2020

I’m a copywriter. Here’s one of my worst fears

Alice Hollis’ description of what fills her heart with terror.

07 May 2020

Getting clear: rewriting v. editing v. proofreading

Rewriting, editing and proofreading. What’s the difference? Patricia Lane explains.

05 May 2020

Repeat after me: “My own business is at least as important as my clients’ businesses”

Megan Douglas’ suggestions for getting round to the business-related tasks that always slide to the bottom of your to-do list.

28 Apr 2020

Bollocks to showing up

Posting for the sake of posting? ‘I’ll pass, thanks’ says Jo Watson.

21 Apr 2020

How to give your inner writer getting the self-care it deserves

Writing’s hard. So you need to nurture yourself, vent and cut yourself some slack. Not sure how? Danielle Auld has a few ideas.

16 Apr 2020

Book review — Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath

Find out exactly what it is that makes an idea memorable or interesting in Alice Hollis’ review of Made to Stick.

14 Apr 2020

How this editor weighs up freelance enquiries

Collective Content’s quick guide to what editors are looking for in a freelance writer.

09 Apr 2020

Gated content isn’t a magic bullet for selling stuff

Fi Shailes on the biggest no-no if you’re putting your content behind a registration form.

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