
24 Mar 2020
If you really must hire a freelancer
Want to get the best out of your copywriter but not sure how? Jo Watson explains.

17 Mar 2020
How I use video to surprise and delight my copywriting clients
Lousie Shanahan shares a quick and easy way to use video in your copywriting business.

17 Mar 2020
Easy ways to repurpose your blog content
How do you make the most of your content? Alice Hollis has a few ideas.

11 Mar 2020
Two unsurprising (but often overlooked) tips for doing well on social media
Felicity Wild reveals the secrets that will make social media work for you.

03 Mar 2020
Does automating your Twitter account compromise your authenticity?
Anna Metcalfe decided to give a Twitter automation tool a go. Here’s what happened.

25 Feb 2020
What I learnt in my first 6 months of freelancing
Pip Christie shares the lessons she’s learned about freelance copywriting so far.

18 Feb 2020
Why you’re struggling to rank on page one of Google
David Pawsley’s quick guide on how to reach one of SEO’s holy grails

12 Feb 2020
No, I don’t want to meet for coffee
Jo Watson on why she’ll politely refuse your invitation to meet for a (caffeinated) drink.

12 Feb 2020
Should freelancers be nervous about IR35?
Danielle Auld summarises the changes to the laws around contractors and the organisations that hire them.

11 Feb 2020
How to say sorry when your brand’s screwed up
Sorry may be the hardest word but, when you’re in the wrong, you need to say it like you mean it. Al Robertson explains how.
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