
21 Jan 2020

I have no niche!

Jo Watson on why she’s more than happy that she’s a niche-free zone.

16 Jan 2020

Why successful freelancing is all about having a truck-load of gumption

Tania Lewys-Lloyd on a characteristic that’s important if you work for yourself.

14 Jan 2020

4 ways to write marketing copy that stands the test of time

Collective Content’s guide to future-proofing your content

copywriter in liverpool
10 Jan 2020

How I survived 2019 as a freelance copywriter

Matthew Drzymala lists all the things he did differently, freelance copywriting-wise, in 2019

09 Jan 2020

Should we expect our readers to pay for content?

Katie Thompson considers the positives of paywalls.

08 Jan 2020

Avoiding feast or famine when you’re self-employed

How do you make sure you’ve got a steady stream of work coming in? Anna Metcalfe shares her ideas.

08 Jan 2020

When chatty copy goes bad

Dawn Kofie on why keeping it casual isn’t always the best option.

06 Jan 2020

Copywriter survey 2020 – have your say now

The 2020 ProCopywriters survey is open and we’re ready to take stock. You have until 31 January to have your say.

18 Dec 2019

Freelance writers! Don’t give up!

A pep talk for when freelance copywriting life is getting you down, courtesy of Libby Marks.

12 Dec 2019

How we deliver crazy-good client experience every time (a copywriter’s checklist)

Helen Dibble describes the copywriting process she uses to delight her clients.

05 Dec 2019

Social proof: the right and wrong ways to use it

Want to improve your marketing? Anna Metcalfe’s a vote for using the bandwagon effect.

04 Dec 2019

How to ghostwrite

Everything you need to know about ghostwriting from the folk at Collective Content.

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