
A bird's eye view of a cup of coffee.
13 Jun 2019

What I learned when I spilt coffee on my laptop

Andre Spiteri explains what he did when he thought his Macbook was a goner.

06 Jun 2019

Freelance creatives! Spare a thought for your clients

Jonathan Wilcock on why he thinks empathy is the best policy.

05 Jun 2019

ProCopywriters Survey 2019 – download now

Read our latest survey of 514 commercial writers for insights on income, aspirations, practices and outlook.

30 May 2019

Email marketing: strategies for improving open and click-through rates

How can you get more people to open your emails – and click the links inside?

30 May 2019

How poetry and rhythm can help you write powerful copy

Richard Spencer from A Thousand Monkeys discusses how rhythm has a powerful effect on your copy.

29 May 2019

How to write content that ranks highly on Google – SEO essentials

Christina Brown shares her recipe for copy and content that is loved by readers and search engines.

A row of postboxes.
29 May 2019

A 12 step programme for email newsletters

Deborah Wroe shares some email newsletter basics.

28 May 2019

3 powerful copywriting triggers that get a response

Alana Beaumont discusses three techniques that can compel readers to respond to your copy.

28 May 2019

4 ways to write blog posts that get noticed

Claire Hewson shares her strategies for writing blog posts that get noticed.

28 May 2019

Why can’t you just do it? The truth about procrastination

How do you overcome procrastination and get things done? Karen Evennett has some advice.

28 May 2019

Make your copywriting memorable with the number three

Lauren MacNeish explores the power of three – and how it can make your copy more effective.

28 May 2019

Imposter syndrome and five steps on how to overcome It

You’ve felt it, right? That nagging sense that you’re not good enough – or talented enough – or qualified enough? Sara Donaldson has some tips for killing the Imposter Monster.

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