
23 Aug 2019

Why writing clear content sometimes means embracing your inner Anglo-Saxon

What’s the Battle of Hastings got to do with effective copywriting? Tom Cross explains.

21 Aug 2019

The hidden pitfalls of repurposing content

You can make the most of your content by giving it a new lease of life. But what are the drawbacks to doing this? Collective Content outline the cons.

15 Aug 2019

Behind the scenes of a copywriting business

Catherine Every on the tools that help make sure everything in her freelance copywriting business runs smoothly.

14 Aug 2019

40 freelance copywriting survival tips

14 years of freelance copywriting means Jonathan Wilcock’s got more than a few hints to share.

08 Aug 2019

5 essential skills great copywriters have in common

What abilities and qualities do brilliant copywriters share? Anna Gunning has drawn up a list.

The words 'ideas start here' in black text on a yellow wall.
07 Aug 2019

3 prompts to help you nail your blog post intro (with examples)

Andre Spiteri’s tips for making sure you start your blog posts in a way that gets, and keeps, your readers’ attention.

26 Jul 2019

How to get colleagues who aren’t marketers involved in creating content

Getting colleagues who aren’t marketers to create content that’s relevant for readers can be tricky. Catherine Every has some helpful suggestions.

Red neon sign that says 'lift'.
24 Jul 2019

Why you should perfect your elevator pitch TODAY

Nicky Weelen explains why you need to have your elevator pitch ready and waiting.

Silhouette of a person standing on a hill at sunset.
19 Jul 2019

I’m in a different world: adjusting to the freelance mindset

Sean Patrick Hand on the change in perspective that happens when you start working for yourself.

Sign that says awesome with an arrow pointing one way, and less awesome with an arrow pointing the other way
17 Jul 2019

I hate you! How to handle negative feedback from a client when you’re a freelancer

What do you do when a client doesn’t like the copy you’ve produced? Rowan Martin explains.

Blah, blah, blah written in white neon on a black background.
12 Jul 2019

The problem with jargon and technobabble

Alice Hollis on why remembering that not everyone understands, and uses, the same terms you do is important.

Google Home Mini on a black surface beside some Apple AirPods
10 Jul 2019

Five-minute focus on voice search

Sanina Kaur’s quick guide to voice search marketing

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