
A collection of dictionaries and thesauruses lined up on a bookshelf.
10 Apr 2019

Is your writing going to be translated?

Claire Burn’s guide what you need to think about if your work’s going to be translated into another language.

A man and a woman doing a yoga pose.
03 Apr 2019

How words get people to trust you — and why it’s so darned important to be consistent

Katherine Wildman on why using the same specific and up-to-date messaging in your branding is a must.

Silhouette of a man standing in thick fog.
27 Mar 2019

The murky world of content mills

Rowan Martin reflects on her experiences of getting copywriting work through content mills.

Two hands holding a flower.
20 Mar 2019

How to treat your guest bloggers ‘like a lady’

Fi Shailes on how to get the best out of guest bloggers.

A desk with a pile of books with an apple on top, some pencils and 3 building blocks.
13 Mar 2019

Freelance copywriter? How to learn the basics when youโ€™re the boss

Amy Boylan’s recommendations for getting to grips with learning when you’re a freelance copywriter.

3 women, laughing and smiling, sitting round a table in a coffee shop.
06 Mar 2019

Why it’s worth joining a writing group

Claire Prentice on the life-changing magic of writing groups.

Woman in an office who's just about to write something up on a wall
03 Mar 2019

10 things l learned about writing by not writing

Tom Albrighton shares a list of the things that everyday life has taught him about writing.

The sun setting over a field of yellow flowers.
27 Feb 2019

8 things I’ve learnt since becoming a freelance copywriter

8 surprising things that Abigail Dillon found out after she started her freelance copywriting business.

A boxer with the words "you" and "suck" on his gloves.
20 Feb 2019

How to tell a copywriter their work sucks

Not sure how to give a copywriter negative feedback? Jonathan Wilcock has a few suggestions.

Timelapse image of people crossing a busy street.
13 Feb 2019

Easily distracted? Try these simple tips to help you focus

Karen Evennett on ways to make it more likely that you can get in the zone when you want to get stuff done.

The word Yeah!! written in capital letters in pink pen on a white piece of paper.
07 Feb 2019

Let’s talk about how brilliant copywriters are

Why Anna Gunning thinks we should celebrate copywriting and give ourselves a pat on the back.

3 people on their mobile phones.
06 Feb 2019

Get creative with these 4 easy-to-use social media tools

Lorna Al-Ani’s quick guide to the social media tools you should try.

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