
08 May 2019
Facing a personal crisis when you’re self-employed
Karen Bright explains how she coped when devastating major life events made it difficult for her to stay on top of her workload.

24 Apr 2019
Do puns have a place in advertising?
To pun or not to pun? That’s the question Jonathan Wilcock’s asking.

22 Apr 2019
How to cheat your way to error-free content
Sanina Kaur’s guide to tools to help make sure that there aren’t any embarrassing mistakes in your writing.

17 Apr 2019
Have you tried the black cab exercise?
Alice Hollis shares a simple exercise that can help you get to the bottom of the emotions driving your clients and customers.

10 Apr 2019
Is your writing going to be translated?
Claire Burn’s guide what you need to think about if your work’s going to be translated into another language.

03 Apr 2019
How words get people to trust you — and why it’s so darned important to be consistent
Katherine Wildman on why using the same specific and up-to-date messaging in your branding is a must.

27 Mar 2019
The murky world of content mills
Rowan Martin reflects on her experiences of getting copywriting work through content mills.

20 Mar 2019
How to treat your guest bloggers ‘like a lady’
Fi Shailes on how to get the best out of guest bloggers.

13 Mar 2019
Freelance copywriter? How to learn the basics when you’re the boss
Amy Boylan’s recommendations for getting to grips with learning when you’re a freelance copywriter.

06 Mar 2019
Why it’s worth joining a writing group
Claire Prentice on the life-changing magic of writing groups.

03 Mar 2019
10 things l learned about writing by not writing
Tom Albrighton shares a list of the things that everyday life has taught him about writing.

27 Feb 2019
8 things I’ve learnt since becoming a freelance copywriter
8 surprising things that Abigail Dillon found out after she started her freelance copywriting business.
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