
Fireworks display at night.
31 Oct 2018

ProCopywriters has published its 500th post!

What are we doing to celebrate publishing our 500th post? Dawn Kofie explains.

A helicopter landing pad.
31 Oct 2018

Tips for writing landing pages that people actually want to land on

Sanina Kaur’s dos and don’ts of effective landing pages.

Woman carrying four novels on her head.
29 Oct 2018

5 ways fiction writing can help you produce more effective copy

James Cullen on fiction writing tips that can help improve your copy.

A stethoscope on a table next to a laptop
24 Oct 2018

Nurse to copywriter — a natural progression?

Helen Barnes’ thoughts on what nursing and copywriting have in common.

17 Oct 2018

Here’s what I learned as a first-timer, at the Copywriting Conference 2018

Bisma Hashmi shares her experience of this year’s Copywriting Conference.

A man's hand on a computer mouse.
17 Oct 2018

How you can retire on £200 a month (or how and why clickbait works)

Fi Shailes shines a light on the inner workings of clickbait.

The words "until debt tear us apart" stencilled on a brick wall in black capital letters.
10 Oct 2018

How to get a mortgage when you’re self-employed

Andre Spiteri’s helpful summary of the dos and don’ts of applying for a mortgage when you work for yourself.

Close up of a page of a newspaper.
03 Oct 2018

Why ex-journalists make great copywriters

Nick Bez explains why he thinks former newshounds are the perfect people to write copy.

A question mark in a square in red neon at the end of a dark corridor.
26 Sep 2018

How to write great FAQs in 10 steps

Sabine Harnau’s guide to writing FAQs that are genuinely helpful for your clients and customers.

Pebbles balanced on top of one another in front of a sea shore.
19 Sep 2018

The Freelance Files: ‘work-life balance, where are you?’

Sanina Kaur explains why going freelance might not necessarily be the answer to all your work-life balance related woes.

Person sitting cross-legged on the top of a mountain with their arms in the air.
12 Sep 2018

The secret confessions of a successful copywriter

Sarah Townsend’s been a copywriter for nearly 20 years. So has she got this freelancing malarkey sussed? Kind of.

Yellow post-it notes stuck on a wall planner.
07 Sep 2018

Copywriting and content design

What is content design? Is it just another name for copywriting? Or something totally different? Sarah Richards gives us her answer.

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