Member Spotlight

21 Sep 2020

Olivia Greenway — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Be a nice person. People hate working with arseholes no matter how good they are at their craft.”

14 Sep 2020

Diane Wiredu – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Great copywriting really is 90% research, and 10% writing.”

07 Sep 2020

Iain Aitch — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Always try to inject a little something that could only have come from you, even if you are writing copy for a shampoo bottle or packaging for a letter-opener”

31 Aug 2020

Penny Brazier — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Writing for people who get you, and who you get, is like a drink of cool water.”

24 Aug 2020

Eman Ismail — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“It can feel really overwhelming to have to fill a page with words that make people buy the thing you’re selling.”

17 Aug 2020

Lindsey Russell — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Learn from the best. Be a bit of a copywriting magpie. Get inspired.” 

10 Aug 2020

Rachel Ramsay — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“One of the overwhelming advantages of freelancing is finally breaking free from the tyranny of the 9-5 working day and regaining some autonomy over your own life in the process.”

03 Aug 2020

Jo Watson Davies — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Talk to people, show genuine interest, listen to what they’ve got to say, be generous with your knowledge, demonstrate your value, and charge accordingly.”

27 Jul 2020

Becky Hewson — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Know your worth, charge it and continually review your rates”

20 Jul 2020

Lauren Holden — ProCopywriter Member Spotlight Revisted

“Great work doesn’t always come when you force it – and everyone needs to kick back on the couch with a slice of sponge cake every now and then.”

13 Jul 2020

Linda Banks — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I always enjoy finding out about a company and working out a plan to repurpose existing content or develop new ideas as part of a marketing plan.”

06 Jul 2020

Helen Mortimer — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“You need to learn to do a really great job – that doesn’t come just because you can write in English – and tell everyone what you are doing.”

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