Member Spotlight

13 Jan 2020

Becky Matthews — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“Telling interesting, personal stories is what connects all the writing I do, whether it’s a profile piece, culture feature, charity case study or short film script.”

09 Dec 2019

Louise Shanahan — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Choose a niche, find a community, and have a growth mindset.”

02 Dec 2019

Ettie Holland — Member Spotlight Revisited

“What makes a great copywriter isn’t natural talent – it’s hard work. It’s about committing to always learn more, faster than your clients can.”

25 Nov 2019

Katie Thompson — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I often see this phrase: “It took me 10 years to learn how to do that job in 10 minutes. You owe me for the years, not for the minutes.” I love that – never work with anybody who undervalues you.”

18 Nov 2019

Laura Jane Johnson – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Take on those crazy projects, embrace the adventure of it all, always be curious, and commit to being courageous with your copy.”

11 Nov 2019

Leigh James — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I enjoy problem-solving. I’m happy wading through reams of info to understand what I’m being asked to write about.”

04 Nov 2019

Jenny Catton — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“I know some copywriters don’t like the constraints of SEO but I love the challenge of writing copy that is enjoyable to read while still meeting the SEO brief.”

28 Oct 2019

Sam Bee — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I love editing copy that clients have put together. It’s a bit of a mental puzzle, working out what the key messages are and polishing them up, while ditching the bits that aren’t adding any value.”

21 Oct 2019

Matt Fleming — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Specialise. It will be painful at first, but you’ll gain confidence over time as you continuously get the kind of work you want.”

07 Oct 2019

Jackie Harris — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“Make yourself comfortable talking about money. Learn to do it in a matter of fact way and you’ll rarely be asked for a discount.”

23 Sep 2019

Lauren McMenemy — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Be aware that everyone thinks they can write, and you will come across both clients and other freelancers that think they can do a better job than you.”

09 Sep 2019

Al Robertson — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Get out of your own way”.

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