Member Spotlight

Tom Cross, copywriter
21 Jan 2019

Tom Cross — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Do what motivates and inspires you. There are definitely easier ways to make a living than starting out as a freelance writer, but if you’re doing what you love you’ll make it work.”

Charlotte Skayee, copywriter
14 Jan 2019

Charlotte Skayee — Procopywriters Member Spotlight

“Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself. I spent a long time thinking that anybody can do what I do. They can’t.”

Lauren MacNeish, Copywriter
07 Jan 2019

Lauren MacNeish — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I can do what I love from anywhere and I get to meet great people while doing it.”

James Morgan, Copywriter
17 Dec 2018

James Morgan — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“Yes there’s good copy and there’s bad copy (and hopefully clients can tell which is which) but the difference between good and great copy is subjective.”

Danielle Hayley, founder Indy Consultancy
10 Dec 2018

Danielle Haley — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Volunteer for as much as you can, but don’t let people take the mick!”

Jonathan Wilcock, copywriter
03 Dec 2018

Jonathan Wilcock — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I love the ideas stage. Anything’s possible – nothing stands between the blank page and creative excellence.”

Paul Allen, copywriter
26 Nov 2018

Paul Allen — Member Spotlight Revisited

“Employers (and clients) don’t really want writers, they want people who can solve their problems. The more copy-related problems you’ve learned to overcome, the better equipped you’ll be.”

Thora Fitzpatrick, copywriter
19 Nov 2018

Thora Fitzpatrick — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Believe in yourself, be true to your style of writing – and you will build a reputation. Then you’ll find most of your clients will start to come via referral.”

Rebecca Magnus, copywriter
12 Nov 2018

Rebecca Magnus — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll have. The more you open yourself up, the more good things start to manifest. Don’t be shy. Just ask.”

Hayley Wright, freelance copywriter
05 Nov 2018

Hayley Wright — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Playing with word choice, emphasis, syntax and tone in order to persuade, inform and entertain is both a challenge and a joy.”

Katherine Wildman, copywriter
29 Oct 2018

Katherine Wildman — Member Spotlight Revisited

“We can present our work like it’s the inside of our souls – and sometimes it very much feels like that – but for the client, it can just be a blessed relief to start seeing something coming together on the page.”

Megan Douglas, copywriter
22 Oct 2018

Megan Douglas — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“A colleague once told me to think of your career as a climbing frame, rather than a career ladder, and that really stuck with me.”

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