Member Spotlight

Sanina Kaur, copywriter
28 Aug 2017

Sanina Kaur — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Develop a thick skin and don’t take things too personally if your copy gets
changed, it’s all part of the process.”

Gillian Jones, copywriter
14 Aug 2017

Gillian Jones — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Make sure you’re paid what you’re worth. Place a value on what you do, or no one else will.”

Copywriter Sue Kelso Ryan
07 Aug 2017

Sue Kelso Ryan — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Don’t see other copywriters as the competition; they’re your best source of
information and advice.”

Copywriter Lisa Derrick, and her daschund, standing in front of a blue door.
31 Jul 2017

Lisa Derrick — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Take breaks and don’t neglect the things that keep you feeling creative and inspired.”

Copywriter Danielle Auld
24 Jul 2017

Danielle Auld — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Value every contact you make as you never know when they’ll need your skills.”

Headshot of copywriter Karen Marston
17 Jul 2017

Karen Marston — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I don’t get it when people say they love having written, but hate doing the writing. I’m like, no my dudes, the process is the fun part.”

08 May 2017

Julia Cameron — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I love researching and writing about topics that teach you something new.”

03 May 2017

Charlotte Fleming — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Probably the most important advice is not to under-charge.”

25 Apr 2017

Jeremy Renals — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“However much your client thinks they want to stand out, ultimately you need to speak in a language the reader will know, like and trust.”

18 Apr 2017

Catherine Every

“Don’t underestimate the amount of time you will have to spend hustling if you want to be a freelance copywriter.”

11 Apr 2017

Karly Edwards

“Keep refining your craft. I never stop learning – I’m constantly trying to improve my writing and my understanding of what makes people buy.”

03 Apr 2017

Amy Finlayson

“Just be the thing you want to be – don’t wait, be it now.”

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