Member Spotlight

14 Nov 2016

Nigel Woollsey

“Make friends with other copywriters. They are a never-ending spring of knowledge, guidance, advice and support when you need it.”

07 Nov 2016

Paula Beaton

“Copywriters are continually learning and honing their craft; none of us know it all.”

31 Oct 2016

Simon Beasor

“Life is too short and your job takes up too much of that time to be doing something that bores you.”

24 Oct 2016

Graeme Piper

“Don’t undersell yourself. If you have the skills, you should be paid fairly for them.”

18 Oct 2016

Ettie Holland

“Writer’s block is an early symptom of burnout. Lack of creativity, lack of inspiration – they’re terminal for a writer.”

11 Oct 2016

Becky Matthews

“Throw yourself at it! Join meetup groups and talk to people. This was especially valuable advice when I was just starting out.”

26 Sep 2016

Mary Whitehouse

“My job is to translate the client’s thoughts into a message their audience will believe in and respond to.”

24 Aug 2016

Neil Barraclough

“Don’t marry a wimp. Having a partner who understands your ambitions is invaluable.”

28 May 2016

Eloise Ghirlando

“Know your worth. There are always going to be writers out there who will charge less than you, so you need to be confident of the value you bring – and the fact that you are unique.”

27 Apr 2016

Jenny Catton

“If writer’s block strikes, it probably means I’m trying to write too soon.”

15 Mar 2016

Jackie Harris

“Never be afraid to ask a client ‘obvious’ or stupid questions.”

01 Mar 2016

Anthony Abdool

“Connive, convince, con or cajole your way into the best places to learn your craft.”

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